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乙型肝炎病毒X相关蛋白2抗体 Background: The protein encoded by this gene is a receptor for aryl hydrocarbons and a ligand-activated transcription factor. The encoded protein is found in the cytoplasm as part of a multiprotein complex, but upon binding of ligand is transported to the nucleus. This protein can regulate the expression of many xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes. Also, the encoded protein can bind specifically to and inhibit the activity of hepatitis B virus. [provided by RefSeq, Sep 2008] Also known as: AH receptor interacting protein; AH receptor-interacting protein; AIP; AIP; AIP_HUMAN; ARA 9; Aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein; Aryl-hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein; fa03h10; FKBP 16; FKBP 37; FKBP16; FKBP37; HBV X associated protein 2; HBV X associated protein; HBV X-associated protein 2; HBVX associated protein; Immunophilin homolog ARA 9; Immunophilin homolog ARA9; SMTPHN; XAP 2; XAP-2; XAP2.乙型肝炎病毒X相关蛋白2抗体


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