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芳香烃受体核转录蛋白样1抗体 Background: Component of the circadian clock oscillator which includes the CRY proteins, CLOCK or NPAS2, ARNTL or ARNTL2, CSNK1D and/or CSNK1E, TIMELESS and the PER proteins. Efficient DNA binding requires dimerization with another bHLH protein. Heterodimerization with CLOCK is required for E-box-dependent transactivation, for CLOCK nuclear translocation and degradation, and, for phosphorylation of both CLOCK and ARNTL. Interaction with PER and CRY proteins requires translocation to the nucleus. Interaction of the CLOCK-ARNTL heterodimer with PER or CRY inhibits transcription activation. Interacts with HSP90; with AHR in vitro, but not in vivo. Also known as: ARNT like protein 1 brain and muscle; ARNTL; Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator like; Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator like protein 1; Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like protein 1; Basic helix loop helix PAS orphan MOP3; bHLH PAS protein JAP3; bHLHe5; BMAL 1; BMAL1c; Brain and muscle ARNT like 1; cycle; JAP 3; JAP3; Member of PAS protein 3; Member of PAS superfamily 3; MOP3; PAS domain-containing protein 3; PASD 3; PASD3; TIC.芳香烃受体核转录蛋白样1抗体


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