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  3. 上传时间:2015/1/28 10:16:24
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蛋白酪氨酸激酶BAP135抗体 Background: TFII I is a ubiquitously expressed multifunctional transcription factor with broad biological roles in transcription and signal transduction in a variety of cell types. It has been shown that TFII I can interact physically and functionally with Btk (Bruton's tyrosine kinase), a hematopoietic non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase that is critical for B lymphocyte development. Also known as: BAP 135; BAP135; Bruton tyrosine kinase associated protein 135; BTK associated protein 135; BTK associated protein 135kD; BTK associated protein; BTKAP 1; BTKAP1; DIWS; General transcription factor II i; GTF 2I; GTF2I; GTFII I; IB 291; IB291; SPIN; SRF Phox 1 interacting protein; SRF Phox1 interacting protein; Transcription factor II I; WBS; WBSCR 6; WBSCR6; Williams Beuren syndrome chromosome region 6; Williams Beuren syndrome chromosome region 6 protein.蛋白酪氨酸激酶BAP135抗体


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