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巴尔得-别德尔综合征相关蛋白7抗体 Background: Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a pleiotropic genetic disorder characterized by obesity, photoreceptor degeneration, polydactyly, hypogenitalism, renal abnormalities, and developmental delay. BBS patients also have an increased risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, and congenital heart defects. BBS is a heterogeneous disorder mapping to eight genetic loci and encoding eight proteins, BBS1-BBS8. Five BBS proteins encode basal body or cilia proteins, suggesting that BBS is a ciliary dysfunction disorder. BBS2 contains two overlapping genes: BBS2L1 and BBS2L2. BBSL1 was re-named BBS7, whereas BBS2L2 independently funcitons as BBS1. BBS7 contains 672 amino acids and is expressed at low to moderate levels in most human tissues. Also known as: Bardet-Biedl syndrome 7; Bardet-Biedl syndrome 7 protein; BBS2-like 1; BBS7_HUMAN.巴尔得-别德尔综合征相关蛋白7抗体


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