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  2. 上传人:沪震生物
  3. 上传时间:2015/1/30 9:51:39
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障碍自整合蛋白BAF抗体 Background: Barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF) binds non-specifically to double stranded DNA, possibly to play a role in tissue- or cell type-specific gene expression by interacting with different homeodomain transcription factors. BAF compresses chromatin structure and interacts with the LEM domain of nuclear proteins to play a crucial role in membrane recruitment and chromatin decondensation during nuclear assembly. Additionally, retroviruses like HIV-1 incorporate BAF from host cells into preintegration complexes (PICs) to prevent autointegration of retroviral DNA and thereby promote integration of retroviral DNA into the host chromosome. Also known as: BAF; BAF_HUMAN; BANF 1; BANF1; Barrier to autointegration factor 1; Barrier to autointegration factor; Barrier-to-autointegration factor; BCRG 1; BCRG1; BCRP 1; BCRP1; Breakpoint cluster region protein 1; D14S1460; MGC111161.障碍自整合蛋白BAF抗体


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