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钙蛋白酶1抗体 Background: The calpains, calcium-activated neutral proteases, are nonlysosomal, intracellular cysteine proteases. The mammalian calpains include ubiquitous, stomach-specific, and muscle-specific proteins. The ubiquitous enzymes consist of heterodimers with distinct large, catalytic subunits associated with a common small, regulatory subunit. This gene encodes the large subunit of the ubiquitous enzyme, calpain 1. Several transcript variants encoding two different isoforms have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2010] Also known as: Calcium activated neutral proteinase 1; Calpain1; Calpain-1; Calpain 1 catalytic subunit; Calpain large polypeptide L1; Calpain mu type; CANP 1; CANP; CANP1; CANPL1; CAPN 1; CAPN1; Cell proliferation inducing gene 30 protein; Cell proliferation inducing protein 30; Micromolar calpain; muCANP; muCL; Ca2 activated neutral protease; Calcium activated neutral proteinase small subunit; Calcium dependent protease small subunit 1; Calcium-activated neutral proteinase 1; Calpain 1 (mu/I) large subunit; Calpain 1 catalytic subunit; Calpain 1 large subunit; Calpain Large Polypeptide L1; Calpain Large Polypeptide L1; Calpain mu type; Calpain mu-type; Calpain regulatory subunit; Calpain small subunit 1; Calpain-1 catalytic subunit; Calpain-1 large subunit; Calpain1; CAN1_HUMAN.钙蛋白酶1抗体


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