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磷酸化CREB-1抗体 Background: The ATF/CREB family consists of transcription factors that function through binding to the cAMP responsive element (CRE) palindromic octanucleotide, TGACCTCA. The best characterized members of this gene family include CREB-1, CREB-2, ATF-1,ATF-2,ATF-3and ATF-4. these transcription factors share highly-related COOH terminal leucine zipper demerization and basic DNA bindings but are highly divergent in their amino terminal domains. Although each of the ATF/CREB proteins bind CREs in their homodimeric form, in cerain instances they also bind as heterodimers, both within the ATF/CREB family and with members of the AP-1 transcription factor family. It has recentlybeen shown that protein kinase A-mediated CREB phosphorylation results in its binding to a 265kDa nuclear protein designated CBP (CREB-binding protein), which may reprecent a CREB co-activator. Also known as: CREB(Phospho-Ser133); p-CREB-1(Ser133); CREB (phospho S133); pCREB-1(Ser133); p-CREB (phospho S133); Active transcription factor CREB; cAMP response element binding protein; cAMP responsive element binding protein 1; CREB1; CREB 1; CREB1; MGC9284; Transactivator protein; CREB; CREB1_HUMAN.磷酸化CREB-1抗体


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