Restek ultra C4检测小分子蛋白、肽类的方法

  1. 类别:分析方法/应用文章
  2. 上传人:thank010
  3. 上传时间:2008/7/20 17:06:21
  4. 文件大小:46K
  5. 下载次数:8
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The use of a low pH (< 2.0) mobile phase can cause acid hydrolysis of the HPLC column stationary phase, resulting in reduced retention and poor reproducibility. During hydrolysis the phase is stripped from the silica backbone. Generally, acid hydrolysis of alkyl bonded phases increases with a decrease in the chain length of the stationary phase ligand. Typically, stationary phase ligands as short as C4 will be much less stable than C18 ligands. To overcome the problem, some HPLC column manufacturers offer C4 phases made with relatively high ligand density, which are more stable than lower density C4 phases. However, these high ligand density phases still exhibit gradual loss of retention when exposed to low pH mobile phases. The research chemists at Restek have designed the new Ultra C4 phase to further increase stability by using both high ligand density and a unique bonding chemistry to reduce acid hydrolysis. The improved stability of the Ultra C4 phase was confirmed using a controlled study comparing the Ultra C4 to another leading C4 phase. This leading C4 phase contains a relatively high ligand density, making it more stable than other C4 columns (Table 1). The results of the study are shown in Figure 1. 联系人 侯先生 13691497252


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