Avesta 固体光纤激光器相关论文

  1. 类别:其他资料
  2. 上传人:瞬渺科技
  3. 上传时间:2017/3/24 15:58:52
  4. 文件大小:3271K
  5. 下载次数:1
  6. 消耗积分 : 免积分



We have achieved experimentally a generation of white-light few-cycle femtosecond laser pulses, using a neon-filled hollow-core fibre. The pulses observed by us are as short as 6.22 fs at the repetition rate of 1 kHz, when the input is characterized by the parameters 2.5 mJ and 33 fs. Pulse compression has been achieved using a supercontinuum produced in a static neon-filled hollow fibre, while a pair of chirped mirrors have compensated the dispersion. Our technique allows for directly tuning the pulse duration via changing the gas pressure, while maintaining near-transform-limited pulses with constant output energies and thus reducing the complications introduced by the chirped pulses. Using the measurements of the optical transmission of the fibre as a function of the gas pressure, we have testified a high enough throughput exceeding 60%. This demonstrates the successful compression that yields few-cycle femtosecond-long pulses, with a wide spectral bandwidth.


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