
  1. 类别:分析方法/应用文章
  2. 上传人:北京华阳利民
  3. 上传时间:2017/9/26 10:54:12
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Am ethodw asde velopedto q uicklyd etermineh esperidina ndn aringinin F ructusA urantiiIm maturusan dF ructusA urantii byc apillarye lectrophoresis.Th roughth ein vestigationo fth ee fectsof bu ferpH a ndc oncentration,ap pliedv oltage,or ganicso lvent,SD S concentrationa ndp-CD,th ea nalyticalco nditionsw ereo ptimized.Un derth eop timizedc onditions,th etw oan alytesw erew ellse parated in5 m in.A g oodli nearre lationshipb etweenth ep eaka reaa ndc oncentrationw asfo undin th e6 -500} Lg /mLa nd5 -500N ,g/ mL concentrationra ngefo rhe speridina ndn aringin,re spectively.Th ere lativest andardd eviationb asedo nm igrationti mean dp eaka reaw ere 0.82%,1.16%a nd2 .95%,3.08%f orhe speridina ndn aringin,re spectively.Th ed etectionli mitsba sedo nth reeti men oisew ere1 .2 l,g/ mLa nd1 .5w g /mLf orh esperidina ndn aringin,re spectively.Th em ethodw asv erifiedb yre alsa mplea nalysisan dru nning standard addition and recovery experiments with satisfactory results.


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