C&EN封面故事 - 质谱成像探秘药物在组织中的分布

  1. 类别:其他资料
  2. 上传人:布鲁克·道尔顿
  3. 上传时间:2017/11/22 11:08:30
  4. 文件大小:7344K
  5. 下载次数:11
  6. 消耗积分 : 免积分



Sometimes it's not enough to know how much drug has reached a particular tissue. Sometimes you need to know where in that tissue the drug has gone. To answer that and other questions, pharmaceutical companies are turning to imaging mass spectrometry. It allows pharma scientists to collect information about drug distribution much earlier in the discovery process than previously possible. The resulting pictures are helping drug developers prevent toxicity and off-target effects.


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  • 2、下载的文件一般是pdf、word文件,下载后如不能直接浏览,可到应用商店中下载相应的阅读器APP。
  • 3、下载的文件如需解压缩,如果手机没有安装解压缩软件,可到应用商店中下载相应的解压缩APP。