EJT 1027.1~19 1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范共19个部

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EJT 1027.1~19 1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范共19个部分,全套的.本次分5个包 EJ/T 1027.1-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 焊接材料的验收 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Accepance of welding material EJ/T 1027.2-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 焊接材料的评定 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Qualification of welding materials EJ/T 1027.3-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 焊接材料的存放和使用管理 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Storage and use management of the welding materials EJ/T 1027.4-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 碳钢和低合金钢的焊接 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Welding of carbon and low-alloy steel EJ/T 1027.5-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 奥氏体不锈钢的焊接 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Welding of austenitic stainles steel EJ/T 1027.6-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 异种钢的焊接 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Welding for helerogenous steel EJ/T 1027.7-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 奥氏体不锈钢耐蚀堆焊 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Anticorrosion overlaging with austenitic stainless steel EJ/T 1027.8-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 镍基合金耐蚀堆焊 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Anticorrosion overlaying with nickel-base alloy EJ/T 1027.9-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 阀门耐磨堆焊 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Hardfacing on Valve EJ/T 1027.10-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 焊接缺陷的补焊 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Repair of weld defects by welding EJ/T 1027.11-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 碳钢和低合金钢的焊接工艺评定 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Welding procedure qualification of carbon and low alloy steel EJ/T 1027.12-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 奥氏体不锈钢焊接工艺评定 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Welding procedure qualification of austenilic stainless steel EJ/T 1027.13-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 异种钢焊接工艺评定 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Welding procedure qualification of heterogeneous steel EJ/T 1027.14-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 奥氏体不锈钢耐蚀堆焊工艺评定 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Welding procedure qualification of anticorrosion overlaying with austenitic stainless steel EJ/T 1027.15-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 镍基合金耐蚀堆焊工艺评定 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Welding procedure qualification of anticorrosion overlaying with nickel-base alloy EJ/T 1027.16-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 阀门耐磨堆焊工艺评定 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Hardfacing procedure qualification on valve EJ/T 1027.17-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 焊接缺陷补焊工艺评定 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Procedure qualification of repair welding for weld defects EJ/T 1027.18-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 设备制造车间的技术要求 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Specification for equipment production workshops EJ/T 1027.19-1996 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备焊接规范 手焊工和焊接操纵工的资格评定 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands Qualification of welders and operators 希望版主鼓励,希望对大家有用


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