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2.1 Samples are prepared according to the nitric acid digestion procedure described in Method 3010 for aqueous and extract samples and the nitric/peroxide/hydrochloric acid digestion procedure described in Method 3050 (furnace AA option) for sediments, soils, and sludges. Excess peroxide is removed by evaporating samples to near-dryness at the end of the digestion followed by dilution to volume and degassing the samples upon addition of urea. The selenium is converted to the +4 oxidation state during digestion in HCl. After a 1:10 dilution, selenium is then converted to its volatile hydride using hydrogen produced from the reaction of the acidified sample with sodium borohydride in a continuous-flow hydride generator. 2.2 The volatile hydrides are swept into, and decompose in, a heated quartz absorption cell located in the optical path of an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The resulting absorption of the lamp radiation is proportional to the selenium concentration. 2.3 The typical detection limit for this method is 3 µg/L.


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