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Nanoindentation has proven to be one of the most practical and effective small-volume mechanical testing methods through its successful application to a range of materials. The method developed by Oliver and Pharr has become the widely accepted method for nanoindentation data analysis and interpretation. 纳米压痕已被证明是最实用和有效的小体积机械测试方法之一,成功应用于各种材料。由 Oliver 和 Pharr 开发的方法已成为纳米压痕数据分析基本理论方法。 Anton Paar always struggles to help tribology researchers by providing them with the most reliable and innovative measurement equipment. In this seminar we introduce our cutting edge product development and multiple applications in collaborations with our customers. Anton Paar 一直努力为其提供最可靠和最具有创新性的测量设备,在这次研讨会上,我们将介绍我们最前沿的产品高温超纳米压痕仪的开发和与客户合作的多种应用。


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