百欧林简报-表界面科学最新文献- KSV NIMA -2019年第13期

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  2. 上传人:百欧林
  3. 上传时间:2019/9/24 11:10:21
  4. 文件大小:339K
  5. 下载次数:2
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1. Linear, self-assembled patterns appearing spontaneously as a result of DNA-CTMA lipoplex Langmuir-Blodgett deposition on a solid surface 2. Characteristics of Polypeptide/Phospholipid Monolayers on Water and the Plasma‐Activated Polyetheretherketone Support 3. Stimuli-responsive behavior of PNiPAm microgels under interfacial confinement 4. Interactions of Na+ Cations with a Highly Charged Fatty Acid Langmuir Monolayer: Molecular Description of the Phase Transition 5. Features of the Formation and Structure of Barium Titanate Langmuir Films 6. Langmuir-Blodgett films of membrane lipid in the presence of hybrid silsesquioxane, a promising component of biomaterials


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