百欧林简报- KSV NIMA LB膜分析仪最新文献-2020年第4期

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  2. 上传人:百欧林
  3. 上传时间:2021/6/8 14:43:25
  4. 文件大小:338K
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1.Janus Graphene Oxide Sheets with Fe3O4 Nanoparticles and Polydopamine as Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries 2.The Properties and Role of O Acyl-ω-hydroxy Fatty Acids and Type I St and Type II Diesters in the Tear Film Lipid Layer Revealed by a Combined Chemistry and Biophysics Approach 3.Modulating photochemical reactions in Langmuir monolayers of Escherichia coli lipid extract with the binding mechanisms of eosin decyl ester and toluidine blue-O photosensitizers 4.Interactions of Linear Analogues of Battacin with Negatively Charged Lipid Membranes 5.Highly Aligned Array of Heterostructured Polyflourene-Isolated Boron Nitride and Carbon Nanotubes 6.Adsorption and Aggregation of Monoclonal Antibodies at Silicone Oil−Water Interfaces 7.Effect of silylating agents on the superhydrophobic and self-cleaning properties of siloxane/polydimethylsiloxane nanocomposite coatings on cellulosic fabric filters for oil–water separation


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