Gilson HPLC系统对肠杆菌噬菌体DNA切片的高分辨率纯化

2016/10/31   下载量: 2


应用领域 医疗/卫生
检测样本 医疗/卫生
参考标准 High‐Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), DNA shearing, DNA separation,

DNA fragments ranging from 25 to 2000 base pairs (bp) in length were used for the development of a suitable gradient for separating DNA molecules


Data in this application note were provided by M. Kawakatsu and Y. Hayashi, Applied
Technical Department, M&S Instruments, Inc., Japan.

As the size‐selective separation of nucleic acids is a necessary step in many molecular
biological analyses performed in clinical, forensic, and other types of laboratories, the
development of optimal DNA separation methods is important. Liquid
chromatographic separation techniques involve simple automated sample purification
steps and provide high resolution of DNA molecules, thereby enabling efficient DNA
separation. Furthermore, fragments can be identified and quantified directly when
using liquid chromatography methods.

The separation and characterization of modified DNA is particularly relevant, as
general interest in next‐generation sequencing (NGS) is expanding.1 This application
note describes the successful separation of methylated lambda phage DNA fragments
on a Gilson HPLC system using a Sepax PolyRP‐1000 column. Prior to HPLC analysis, a
gradient method was developed to provide sufficient resolution of the DNA fragments
(25‐2000 bp). These results demonstrate the feasibility of separating DNA fragments,
including those containing methylated modifications, by HPLC. This highly effective
separation method can thus be applied in a wide variety of analyses, including the
preparation steps of next‐generation sequencing workflows.

上一篇 (GPC)凝胶色谱法清洁食用油中的塑料添加剂(R)-(+)-1-苄基丙三醇
下一篇 针对用于萃取后凝胶色谱法分析Fish Tissue Prior to PCB的色谱柱与溶剂的评估




当前位置: 香港华运 方案 Gilson HPLC系统对肠杆菌噬菌体DNA切片的高分辨率纯化


