AOAC 988.13自动化利用固相萃取法鉴定食品中FD&C颜色添加剂

2016/10/31   下载量: 5


应用领域 食品/农产品
检测样本 其他食品
检测项目 过敏原>其他
参考标准 GX-274 ASPEC?, AOAC, Spectrophotometer, Food and Beverage, Solid Phase Extraction, SPE, Color Additives, FD&C, FDA, TRILUTION ? LH, Liquid Handling

AOAC method 988.13 qualitatively tests for the presence of eight synthetic color additives, one of which is now banned. These color additives are FD&C colors approved for use in food, drugs and cosmetics. Additives are extracted from the sample matrix using solid phase extraction (SPE), and then identified by spectrum analysis on a spectrophotometer. The color additives examined by the method – FD&C Red Nos. 3 and 40, Blue Nos. 1 and 2, Yellow Nos. 5 and 6, Green No. 3 and the now banned Red No. 2 – are listed in Table 1, along with the E Number used in the EU and UK, common chemical name and chemical structure.


A color additive is any dye, pigment or other substance which imparts color to a food, drug or cosmetic or to the human body (1). Color additives for food are commonly found in expected places, such as candies and powdered drink mixes, but also can be added to fruit skins to make them look more appealing. The addition of synthetic color additives is regulated closely by the FDA and is examined from the manufacturing of the pigment itself, through to its use and appropriate product labeling. Color additives have come under scrutiny recently because of their potential adverse physical and mental health effects that may be linked to ingestion, especially in children.

AOAC method 988.13 qualitatively tests for the presence of eight synthetic color additives, one of which is now banned. These color additives are FD&C colors approved for use in food, drugs and cosmetics. Additives are extracted from the sample matrix using solid phase extraction (SPE), and then identified by spectrum analysis on a spectrophotometer. The color additives examined by the method – FD&C Red Nos. 3 and 40, Blue Nos. 1 and 2, Yellow Nos. 5 and 6, Green No. 3 and the now banned Red No. 2 – are listed in Table 1, along with the E Number used in the EU and UK, common chemical name and chemical structure.
In this application, AOAC method 988.13 was automated using a Gilson
GX-274 ASPEC to perform the SPE process just prior to automated spectrum analysis using the Agilent 8453 UV-visible Spectrophotometer with the Agilent 8-position Multicell Transport. Automation of routine and tedious manual methods allows for consistent reproducibility and higher throughput, freeing laboratory personnel to perform analysis and interpretation of spectra as well as other laboratory applications.

GX-274 ASPEC™, AOAC, Spectrophotometer, Food and Beverage, Solid Phase Extraction, SPE, Color Additives, FD&C, FDA, TRILUTION ® LH, Liquid Handling
Automation of AOAC 988.13 for the Identification of FD&C Color Additives in Foods using Solid Phase Extraction
Application Note FB0112

上一篇 (GPC)凝胶色谱法清洁食用油中的塑料添加剂(R)-(+)-1-苄基丙三醇
下一篇 (GPC)凝胶色谱法清洁食用油中的塑料添加剂N,N'-二甲基-N,N'-二(苯甲基)-1,2-乙二胺




当前位置: 香港华运 方案 AOAC 988.13自动化利用固相萃取法鉴定食品中FD&C颜色添加剂


