Optical fiber light-emitting diode-induced fluorescence detection for capillary electrophoresis

2007-06-21 10:02  下载量:95



A highly sensitive optical fiber light-emitting diode (LED)-induced fluorescence detector for CE has been constructed and evaluated. In this detector, a violet or blue LED was used as the excitation source and an optical fiber with 40 mm OD was used to transmit the excitation light. The upper end of the fiber was inserted into the separation capillary and was situated right at the detection window. Fluorescence emission was collected by a 406 microscope objective, focused on a spatial filter, and passed through a cutoff filter before reaching the photomultiplier tube. Output signals were recorded and processed with a computer using in-house written software.The present CE/fluorescence detector deploys a simple and inexpensive optical system that requires only an LED as the light source. Its utility was successfully demonstrated by the separation and determination of amino acids (AAs) labeled with naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde (NDA) and FITC. Low detection limits were obtained ranging from 17 to 23nM for NDA-tagged AAs and 8 to 12 nM for FITClabeled AAs (S/N = 3). By virtue of such valuable features as low cost, convenience,and miniaturization, the presented detection scheme was proven to be attractive for sensitive fluorescence detection in CE.



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当前位置: 北京华阳利民 资料 Optical fiber light-emitting diode-induced fluorescence detection for capillary electrophoresis


