
    岛津LCMS-IT-TOF 是独特的离子阱和飞行时间质谱的联用质谱仪,它攻克了一般质谱仪不能同时实现快速多级质谱功能和准确质量测定的现状,使得对未知物和低浓度样品的定性检测能力大大提高。此外,配合MetID筛查软件,能够快速地对代谢产物进行筛查;使用多级质谱功能进而对筛查出来的代谢产物进行结构鉴定。LCMS-IT-TOF 除了在代谢物定性分析方面性能卓越,在定量分析方面也发挥了质谱高灵敏度和高分辨率的特点。LCMS-IT-TOF 在代谢产物的定性鉴定和定量检测上有很大的应用优势。


1.  In vitro metabolism study of Strychnos alkaloids using high-performanceliquid chromategraphy combined with hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry
[Biomed.Chromatogr. 2013, 27, 775-783]
2.  Metabolism of Saikosaponina in Rats: Diverse Oxidations on the AglyconeMoiety in Liver and Intestine in Addition to Hydrolysis of Glycosidic Bonds
[Drug MetabDispos 2013, 41, 622-633]
3.  Chemicalome and metabolome matching approach to elucidating biological metabolic networks of complex mixtures
[Anal.Chem. 2012, 84, 2995-3002]
4.  Metabolic Profile, Enzyme Kinetics, and Reaction Phenotyping of β-Lapachone Metabolism in Human Liver and Intestine in Vitro
[Mol. Pharmaceutics, 2012, 9, 3476-3485]
5.  Pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution, excretion, and metabolism of anewcardioprotective agent 10-O-dimethylaminoethylginkgolide B in rats
[Journal of Aisan Natural Products Research, 2012, 14, 27-38]
6.  Correlative analysis of metabolite profiling of DangguiBuxue Tang inrat biological fluids by rapid resolution LC–TOF/MS
[Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2011, 55, 146-160]
7.  Strategies for integral metabolism profile of multiple compounds inherbalmedicines:pharmacokinetics, metabolites characterization and metabolicinteractions
[Current Drug Metabolism, 2011, 12, 809-817]
8.  Structural identification of the metabolites for strictosamide in ratsbile by an ion trap-TOF mass spectrometer and mass defect filter technique
[Journal of Chromatography B, 2011, 879, 1819-1822]
9.  Development of a Systematic Approach to Identify Metabolites for HerbalHomologs Based on Liquid Chromatography Hybrid Ion Trap Time-of-Flight MassSpectrometry: Gender-Related Difference in Metabolism of SchisandraLignans in Rats
[Drug MetabDispos 2010, 38, 1747-1759]
10. Microsomal Cytochrome P450-Mediated Metabolism of ProtopanaxatriolGinsenosides: Metabolite Profile, Reaction Phenotyping, and Structure-MetabolismRelationship
[Drug MetabDispos, 2010, 38, 1731-1739]
11. An approach to identifying sequential metabolites of a typicalphenylethanoidglycoside,echinacoside, based on liquid chromatography–iontrap-time of flight mass spectrometry analysis
[Talanta, 2009, 80, 572-580]
12. Application of a hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometer inmetabolitecharacterization studies: Structural identification of the metabolismprofile of antofloxacin in rats rapidly using MSn information and accurate massmeasurements
[Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2009, 50, 1022-1025]
13. Identification of Gambogic Acid Metabolites in Rat Bile by Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry-ion Trap-time-of-flight
[Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2009, 7, 0376-0380]
14. The conduct of drug metabolism studies considered good practice (I):analytical systems and in vivo studies
[Curr Drug Metab., 2007, 8, 815-821]
15. Identification of ginkgolide B metabolites in urine and rat livercytochrome P450 enzymes responsible for their formation in vitro
[ActaPharmacol Sin, 2008, 29, 376-384]
16. Discovery of safety biomarkers for realgar in rat urine usingUFLC-IT-TOF/MS and 1H NMR based metabolomics
[Anal BioanalChem, 2013, 405, 4811-4822]
【题目】基于代谢组学运用UFLC-IT-TOF/MS 和氢谱发现大鼠尿液中雄黄的安全生物标志物。
17. Prediction of the Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Triptolide in Rats Based on Endogenous Molecules in Pre-Dose Baseline Serum
[Potential Biomarkers Predict PK Parameters, 2012, 7, e43389]
18. Peripheral anti-inflammatory effects explain the ginsenosides paradox between poor brain distribution and anti-depression efficacy
[Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2011, 8, 100]
19. Qualitative and quantitative determination of complicated herbalcomponentsbyliquid chromatography hybrid ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry anda relative exposure approach to herbal pharmacokinetics independent of standards
[Journal of Chromatography A, 2010, 1217, 4971-4979]
20. Structural characterization of pregnane glycosides from Cynanchum by liquid chromatography on a hybrid ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometer
[Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 2009, 23, 2151-2160]
21. Microwave-assisted solid phase synthesis, PEGylation, and biologicalactivitystudies of glucagon-like peptide-1(7–36) amide
[Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, 16, 7607-7614]
22. Global detection and identification of components from Yunnan Baiyao based on liquid chromatography hybrid ion trap time-of-flight massspectrometry
[Journal of Separation Sciences, Accepted]
23. Rapid identification of ophiopogonins and ophiopogonones in Ophiopogon Japonicas extract with a practical technique of mass defect filtering based on high resolution mass spectrometry
[Journal of Chromatography A, 2012, 1227, 234-244]
24. Terpenoids from Chloranthusserratus and Their Anti-inflammatoryActivities
[J. Nat. Prod., 2012, 75, 694-698]
25. Global Detection and Identification of Nontarget Components from HerbalPreparations by Liquid Chromatography Hybrid Ion Trap Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and a Strategy
[Anal.Chem., 2008, 80, 8187-8194]
26. Diagnostic fragment-ion-based extension strategy for rapid screening andidentification of serial components of homologous families contained in traditional Chinese medicine prescription using high-resolution LC-ESI-IT-TOF/MS:Shengmai injection as an example
[J. Mass. Spectrom., 2009, 44, 230-244]
【题目】以生脉注射液为例,基于碎片离子诊断延伸策略采用LC-ESI- IT-TOF/MS快速筛选和鉴定中药处方中的同家族的系列化合物




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