
PMo-005 Food safety Qualitative Analysis of Gossypol, Free Gossypol, and Gossypol Derivatives in the Cottonseeds By Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry
PMo-170 Food development Componential analysis of pepper of various origins using DART-MS using ultra-fast polarity switching
PWe-197 Food QAQC Ultra high pressure comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography combined with hybrid mass spectrometry for the elucidation of carotenoids in red chili peppers
PTh-175 Food development Exploring the application of a universal method for pesticide screening in foods using a high data acquisition speed MS/MS
PTh-176 Food safety Multi-class pesticides analysis in challenging vegetable matrices using fast 5 msec MRM with 15 msec polarity switching
PTh-177 Food safety High Throughput Quantitative Analysis of Multi-mycotoxin in Beer-based Drinks using UHPLC-MS/MS
Pharmaceutical, Life science
PMo-004 Qualitative analysis of 4 impurities in enalapril using liquid chromatography-ion trap time of flight hybrid mass spectrometry
PMo-169 High throughput molecular weight confirmation of Pharmaceutical Compounds using DART MS analysis with ultra-fast polarity switching
PMo-098 Differentiation of isobaric residues in SPITC-derivatized tryptic peptides using MS/MS technique in a novel Curved Field Reflectron.
PMo-126 Identification of the modified amino acid residue in the modified heme protein using LC/MS/MS
PTu-041 A workflow for identification of isobaric isoforms of glycans using off-line MALDI-MS system
PTu-078 PGRN: a novel therapeutic target and biomarker for insulin resistance and obesity identified by differential proteome analysis
PWe-007 Ultra Fast Analysis of Amino Acids in Cultured Cell Extracts Using UHPLC/MS/MS
PWe-021 Differential analysis of fermented beverage using fast polarity switching TOFMS acquisition with high mass accuracy and multivariate analysis
PWe-133 Development of High Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Quantitative Analysis of Bacopaside-I in Rat Urine and Feces Samples
PTh-031 Identification of antioxidants in Fructus aurantii using a new on-line combination of analytical techniques
PTh-086 Development and Validation of Liquid Chromatography-Time of Flight Method of Bacopaside-I and Metabolites for Pharmacokinetic Study
PTh-193 HPLC method scouting system using ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled to single quadrupole mass spectrometer
Petrochemical, Chemical
PTu-194 Differential Analysis in sulfenamide-based vulcanizing accelerators for rubber products by High mass Accuracy MS and Multivariate Statistical Technique
Clinical, Forensics
PTu-089 Accurate Mass LC-MS/MS Profiling of Synthetic Cannabinoids
PTh-192 Screening analysis for drugs of abuse by LC-MS/MS enables fast polarity switching MRM triggered product ion scanning on the fly
PTh-196 Identification of triazolam, etizolam and their metabolites in biological samples by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
PMo-039 Analysis of 8 kinds of estrogens in environmental water by ultra high performance liquid chromatograph hybrid triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
PTh-025 UHPLC-MS/MS, an Alternative Solution to Conventional Biosensor Approach for Quorum Sensing Signaling Molecules Detection in Complex Environmental Samples
PTh-048 Simultaneous analysis of anionic, amphoteric and non-ionic surfactants using ultra-high speed LC-MS/MS
PTh-050 Multi-component quantitative analysis of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment by LC-MS/MS with fast polarity switching
PTh-060 Analysis Method of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers Using GC-MS and GC-MS/MS Coupled With an Automated Identification and Quantitation System with a Database
PTh-160 The analysis of olefine and aromatic hydrocarbon in hydrocarbon mixture using Multi-Dimensional GC/GCMS system
Electronics, Electronic
PWe-200 Analysis of degradation products in electrolyte for rechargeable lithium-ion battery through high mass accuracy MSn and multivariate statistical technique
PMo-006 Evaluation of the higher sensitive LC/MS/MS incorporates novel desolvation technologies to achieve low femto-gram LOQ
PTu-118 Development of an ion transmission enhanced tandem ion guide system for triple quadrupole mass spectrometer


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