Evaluation of environmentally friendly paints over weathering galvanised steel: the influence of the surface roughness

2014-08-19 10:42  下载量:1



A comparative study between a high solid paint (P1) and a traditional coat (P2) was made using EIS technique, both paints were applied over weathering galvanised steel. The results indicated that the high solid paint had the better behaviour and so, it represents a good environmentally friendly alternative. Previously, the optimum weathering degree was assessed based on the impedance modulus evolution and the surface roughness profiles. In the last part of this work, the macroscopic behaviour of a new paint system, based on P1 priming coat and a water-borne resin as a topcoat, was evaluated by submitting to different accelerated tests. The influence of weathering galvanised degree was analysed, as well. Regardless of the test, the increase of such parameter was corresponded to an behaviour improvement.



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当前位置: 瑞士万通 资料 Evaluation of environmentally friendly paints over weathering galvanised steel: the influence of the surface roughness


