
2018年5月16-18,CEM 2018将在美丽的匈牙利举行,这是每两年举行一次的国际事件,汇集了世界领先的排放测量技术和分析服务提供商,以及电力工程公司、过程操作员、制造商、监管机构、标准组织。来自40个不同国家代表们带来了有关排放监测的技术、方法、应用、立法和标准的最新信息。主要包括:pái fàng guī wèi lái jiān tiǎo zhàn

Standards and Quality

标准与质量低浓度粉尘测量低浓度(HCl,HF,NH3,SO3,CH4,N2O,CHOH,TOC̷)的气态物质中痕量汞的检测、táo / kuò sàn pái fàng de zhà lan xiàn线 jiān liáng

Innovative Measurement Technology

创新测量技术等方面的内容。 L i s b o n de zuì hòu C E M huó dòng hěn shòu huān yíng dài biǎo rén shù zēng jiā le 2 2 % , “ lái 4 0 tóng guó jiā gāi shì jiàn wéi dài biǎo men gōng le yǒu guān pái fàng jiān de shù fāng yìng yòng biāo zhǔn de zuì xīn xìn zhǔ yào bāo kuò S O 2 、 N O x 、 C O 、 C O 2 、 V O C s 、 hén liàng rǎn wēn shì


In addition to a Conference featuring speakers from 13 countries there was an Exhibition of over 50 of the world's leading providers of measurement technology and analytical services, in addition to regulators and standards organisations. As a result, visitors were able to access the latest help and advice on the regulations that affect their sector, the methods that apply to their processes, the applicable standards and the latest technologies for achieving accurate reliable measurement data that meets the requirements of their environmental permit

CEM 2018 Conference will focus on regulations in the European Union and other countries, covering emissions from stationary sources and also from road, river and sea transport. Issues such as standardization, calibration and quality assurance will be addressed, together with sessions on innovative measurement technologies.

CEM 2018会议将侧重于欧盟和其他国家的法规,包括固定来源的排放,也包括道路、河流和海洋运输。将讨论标准化、校准和质量保证等问题,以及关于创新测量技术的会议。 C E M 2 0 1 8 huì jiāng zhòng ōu méng guó jiā de guī bāo kuò dìng lái yuán de pái fàng bāo kuò dào liú hǎi yáng yùn shū jiāng tǎo lùn biāo zhǔn huà jiào zhǔn zhì liàng bǎo zhèng děng wèn guān chuàng xīn liáng shù de huì


Lumex Instruments will participate in the international Exhibition that will run alongside the Conference. At our Booth 38 company’s experts will present the range of mercury analyzers as well as monitoring toolkit that implements Sorbent Trap analysis (US EPA’s method 30B), the most cost-effective and accurate method for mercury measurement in flue and process gases.






LUMEX公司具有近30年分析仪器研发经验,生产和销售高频塞曼测汞仪、高频塞曼石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪、傅立叶红外/近红外光谱仪、高效毛细管电泳仪、水质在线监测仪、荧光光谱仪、芯片基因扩增仪(PCR)、激光粒度仪、高效液相色谱(HPLC)、飞行质谱(TOFMS)等产品。同时  LUMEX也专注于分析方法的开发和研究,为各行业用户提供定制化的解决方案。




当前位置: LUMEX 动态 LUMEX将参与CEM2018汞排放监测和会议


