表面等离子体共振成像技术在食源性病原体检测中的应用【在线讲座 |3月29日】

This webinar will show the potentialities of the label free molecular interaction technology. It will highlight the multiplexing and the flexibility of OpenPlex for foodborne pathogen screening. This presentation will be given by Dr Bosoon Park and Dr Jing Chen from USDA, ARS, U.S. National Poultry Research Center, Athens, GA, USA.


Food safety is crucial to public health worldwide. An estimated 95% of foodborne infections are caused by 15 major pathogens including Salmonella and Shiga toxin producing E. coli. Current pathogen screening in food and agricultural products adopts an inefficient approach in which individual agents are detected separately. Surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi) is an emerging technology that provides multiplexed and label-free monitoring of antibody-antigen interactions. This webinar introduces the development and early application of the SPRi platform in the screening of pathogenic Salmonella and E. coli bacteria in poultry.


l  Presumptive screening pathogenic bacteria in food matrices with SPRi

l  Protocol of surface modification with antibodies

l  Designing and optimizing a biochip for near-real-time foodborne bacteria detection


l  Academic and industrial researchers working with and developing bioassays for a wide range of analytes.

l  Scientists specializing or have expertise in the following fields: Agri-food, proteomics, pathogen and bacteria studies, ...




Dr. Bosoon Park


Dr. Bosoon Park is the Lead Scientist of U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. National Poultry Research Center (USDA-ARS-USNPRC) in Athens, GA, USA. He leads research projects on rapid optical detection methods for food hazards.



Dr. Jing Chen


Dr. Jing Chen was the post-doctoral food technologist at the USDA-ARS-USNPRC. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Georgia and specializes in application of optical sensors for food safety detection



Dr Chiraz Frydman

SPRi Product Manager at HORIBA Scientific


329 2:00/10:00 (北京时间)



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当前位置: HORIBA 动态 表面等离子体共振成像技术在食源性病原体检测中的应用【在线讲座 |3月29日】


