Prediction of Energy Digestibility in Complete Dry Foods for Dogs

2008/07/24   下载量: 143


应用领域 食品/农产品
检测样本 其他食品
参考标准 /

Energy digestibility in dog and cat food can be predicted by the linear regression of the fiber content on a dry matter (DM) basis. Fiber is the independent variable and in vivo measured energy digestibility the dependent variable. This has been demonstrated for crude fiber (CF) in both species and in dogs for total fiber as analyzed by the Englyst and Cummings method (1,2). To date, however, few observations have been published measuring both total dietary fiber (TDF, according to the method of Prosky et al. [3]) and energy digestibility in dogs and cats. From the existing data points, it is thus not possible to 1) calculate a regression equation as for crude fiber or total fiber that is likely to predict digestibility more accurately in pet foods and 2) compare the accuracy of prediction of energy digestibility by CF and TDF methods.


MATERIALS AND METHODS In the present study 610 dog digestion trials and 261 cat digestion trials were evaluated in retrospect. The diets fed during the digestion trials included the range of fiber contents found in commercial pet foods, from reducing diets to highly digestible puppy foods or highly digestible diets for animals with gastrointestinal diseases. The range of nutrient content is given in Table 1. A total of 18 healthy dogs, intact females including different breeds ranging in size from Fox Terriers to Great Danes, and 30 healthy cats, intact female and neutered male domestic shorthairs between 2 and 10 y of age, were available for the study. Each digestion trial was carried out with a different food. The trials included an adaptation period and a collection period as recommended by the Association of American Feed Control Officials recommendations (4).......

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