MRG Labs selects PanAn Testing & Engineering as Grease Thief Distributor for China

MRG has named PanAn Testing & Engineering Co. LTd., as the exclusive distributor of the Grease Thief Sampling and testing technology products for China, Macau and Hong Kong.

The Grease Thief has revolutionized condition based monitoring  (CBM) programs across multiple industries by allowing representative grease samples to be taken from in-service machinery.

Historically, it has been difficult to collect a grease sample to analyze that is representative of the grease performing the analysis. Further, attempts to collect these samples often required partial disassembly of the bearing, resulting in expensive equipment downtime.

The innovative design of the Grease Thief solves both of these problems, making grease analysis a valuable tool for improving CBM programs in grease-lubricated equipment. The small size and intuitive design of the Grease Thief allows it to be inserted directly against the bearing face without disassembly of the bearing during the sampling process. In this way, a representative sample of grease is collected with almost no equipment downtime.

The Grease Thief Analyzer was specially designed to utilize the unique structure and small volume of the Grease Thief samples to perform a complete analysis package requiring less than two grams of grease. The innovative test slate measures the wear, oxidation, contamination and consistency of the grease using a variety of chemical and physical methods. Finally, professional analysts use this  data to provide custom maintenance recommendations for each individual component.

Grease Thief technology adds tangible value to CBM programs and has already been demonstrated to be effective in multiple industries and applications, including wind power, nuclear energy, robotics, and pharmaceutical manufacturing. 

For more information, please visit our website:



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