
2004-02-12 08:55  下载量:304



A few words on the history and future of surface chemistry For more than 400 years, important scientists and mathematicians like Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Pierre Simon Laplace, Thomas Young, Siméon Denis Poisson, Josiah Willard Gibbs, Frederick M. Fowkes have done valuable pioneer work for the explanation of surface tension, capillarity, wetting and other interfacial problems. As a sector of physical chemistry, surface chemistry in connection with colloid chemistry established itself as an independent science about 70 years ago. Important milestones in modern theory and practice of wetting properties are the works of Girifalco/ Good and Fowkes from the 50s and 60s of this century. They formed the basis for the analysis and optimization of solid and liquid interfaces frequently applied today. Although most of us don''t realize it, interfacial processes rule our everyday life wherever we go. A multitude of processes, whether in a household or in industrial production, is influenced by interfaces and their chemical state. All known high technologies with a promising future, like wafer and chip production, biochemistry and gene technology as well as micro-system technology benefit in particular from the increasing understanding of interfacial correlations. The DataPhysics team would like to take you on a little tour of this exciting world.



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当前位置: 东方德菲仪器 资料 胶体与界面化学,有魅力的科学


