英斯特朗 --【挑战】模拟真实的碰撞动态过程




英斯特朗有限公司是台车碰撞模拟试验的业界领导者,将现实世界的真实碰撞场景引入试验室中。英斯特朗有限公司提供液压驱动和伺服控制的加速型台车碰撞模拟试验系统,通过精确地再现车辆碰撞的动态过程,对车辆的被动安全系统和组件进行比较和优化。试验系统具有重复性高、试验效率高,质量可靠等特点,大大地降低了测试成本。这些“台车试验系统”被用来优化车辆约束系统,使之在实车模型出现之前就具备功能和性能保证。英斯特朗有限公司在全球范围内已安装70多台台车碰撞模拟试验系统,其中包括14 套带主动俯仰模拟的试验系统,越来越多的OEM制造商和一级供应商在使用英斯特朗的台车系统。

Challenge:  Simulating Real-world Crash Dynamics

Automakers, consumers, and regulating governments are all focused on occupant protection in case of a vehicle crash.  Protecting drivers and passengers from injury during crash events is the job of both the vehicle structure and the passive safety system, which includes seat belts, airbags, seats, knee bolsters, and other energy-absorbing components.  Some of these are passive components like knee bolsters and seat cushions.  Others are active and have occupant- and vehicle-sensing capability to adjust their performance according to the occupant and crash circumstances.

The wide range of crash scenarios and broadly different occupant profiles create a particular challenge to protect all occupants under all conditions.  Crashing cars to test every possible combination is time consuming and prohibitively expensive.  Therefore a reliable and realistic laboratory-based test system is required to fill this need.

The Solution:

Instron is the world leader in crash simulation systems, which bring the reality of the real-world crash into the testing laboratory.  We offer servo-controlled reverse-acceleration systems which can accurately replicate the vehicle crash dynamics so that passive safety systems and components can be compared and optimized.  Our systems are highly repeatable and efficient to operate so that the cost of making tests is low.  These “catapults” can be used to optimize vehicle restraint systems and provide assurance of proper function before full-scale prototype tests are made.  With over 70 systems installed worldwide (14 of them are equipped with active controlled pitch motion simulation)and in use by more OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers than any other crash sled, Instron leads the market for crash simulation.




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