【再次严正申明】瑞士步琦公司是提供美国Grace公司Alltech® ELSD、制备色谱及色谱柱等产品的唯一合法供应商


瑞士步琦公司BUCHI是全球(包括港澳台等地)提供美国Grace公司的Flash Chromatography (Reveleris® PREP和Reveleris® X2), Alltech® ELSD蒸发光散射检测器(Alltech® ELSD 3300), 以及色谱柱等相关产品线的唯一合法供应商。





因应W. R. Grace & Co. 集团公司长远的发展计划,我们经长时间的洽谈协商,已经和瑞士步琦公司BUCHI达成了出售Flash Chromatography, Alltech® ELSD以及色谱柱等相关产品线的意向,并在2016年4月瑞士步琦公司BUCHI完成了对这些产品的收购,并且成为这些相关产品线仪器的唯一合法供应商。本着对新老客户负责的态度,我们对该相应产品线做出以下申明,以维护广大用户以及合作伙伴的合法权益:

此次瑞士步琦收购的产品线包括美国Grace公司的Flash Chromatography (Reveleris® PREP和Reveleris® X2),Alltech® ELSD蒸发光散射检测器(Alltech® ELSD 3300), 以及色谱柱等相关产品线。

Grace ELSD产品线 : Alltech® ELSD 3300蒸发光散射检测器是目前唯一并且仅有的最新款的Alltech® ELSD蒸发光散射检测器,无任何其他高级型号(如ELSD 6000等)。此型号Alltech® ELSD 3300已经取代2000年,2003年,2004年所发布的ELSD 800,ELSD 2000,ELSD 2000ES 等已经停产之老旧型号仪器。

瑞士步琦公司BUCHI是全球(包括港澳台等地)提供美国Grace公司的Flash Chromatography (Reveleris® PREP和Reveleris® X2), Alltech® ELSD蒸发光散射检测器(Alltech® ELSD 3300), 以及色谱柱等相关产品线的唯一合法供应商。





Grace / Alltech Official Annonucemnet
Buchi Laborotechnik AG acquired Grace / Alltech Chromatography and Alltech Product Lines

To whom it may concern:

W. R. Grace & Co.  affirmed its commitment to three growing  service lines for the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries, and announced  agreements to sell product lines associated with its Chromatography instruments, Reveleris® PREP and Reveleris® X2, Grace Alltech® ELSD instrument, Reveleris® Cartridges, and related laboratory products businesses that are not aligned with the  company’s plans for growth.

Grace had sold its flash  chromatography and ELSD instrument business to BUCHI Corporation, a division of  BUCHI Labortechnik AG, a Swiss manufacturer and global supplier of laboratory  equipment to the pharma, chemicals, and food/beverage industries. Grace is  now the exclusive supplier of media for use in these flash cartridge brands by BUCHI.

To best service the wide ranges of global customers, Grace would like to make an official declaration in corresponding of following product lines:

The product lines have been acquired by BUCHI Corporation including Reveleris® Purification Systems, GraceResol™ and Reveleris® Flash Cartridges, and Alltech® ELSD 3300 instrument.

The ELSD Instrument, Alltech® ELSD 3300 is the only model in Grace Chromatography product lines, that it has replaced the discontinued models, i.e.ELSD 800, ELSD 2000 and ELSD 2000ES. Other than Alltech® ELSD 3300 model, such as model 6000 is NOT Grace Alltech product.

BUCHI China (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) is the only legitimate supplier in providing Flash Chromatography (both Reveleris® PREP and Reveleris® X2), Grace Alltech® ELSD(Alltech® ELSD 3300), Reveleris® Cartridges and relevant products in Great China regions.

BUCH Laborotechnik AG reserve the right to take legal actions against any acts of infringement such as market confusion and fake propaganda, and investigate the legal liability through its entrusted law firm.




当前位置: 瑞士步琦 动态 【再次严正申明】瑞士步琦公司是提供美国Grace公司Alltech® ELSD、制备色谱及色谱柱等产品的唯一合法供应商


