Using Atomic Force Microscopy to Control and Enhance Structural and Optical Properties of GaN-based Light Emitting Diodes Grown by MOCVD

2008-06-18 11:18  下载量:30



According to fhe exomp |es show n o bove , To pp ingM ode A FM is proven b be o very effed ive fÞ | in mo nifo ring h e surfoce mOºp hd o gy of M O C VD g row n G o N -bo sed LED co nsfifuenf po rb , inc h d ing fhe SGp phire subsfro fe , n-wpe , £d ive ºä io n, £ nd p wpe |ove rs. |f is useM Io boh M ine mo nMo ring / so mpiing of mo nufo d uring prod ucfs o nd d so GS G deve|o pme nf fÞ | fo r e ng ineering new ep ifo x id struefum . SeverG| '' idØ |'' co ses o ºe pm enfed , w here by comb ining fhe surfoce mo rphd og y find ings w ifh G pmper cho ice of M OCVD g row fh pGm metem on Veeco TurboDisc G GN pb ffo rms o pfico | Gnd e|ed ried pro perties of SUch d evices w ere enho ned



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