台阶仪及AFM在3D MEMS量测中的应用

2008-07-21 10:03  下载量:287



Stylus profilers are often used to cost effectively measure step heights, bow, planarity, and roughness on the surface of MEMS. The AFP, exclusively available from Veeco, combines the long scan capability of the stylus profiler with the imaging resolution of the AFM, enabling measurement combinations on MEMS that were previously impossible to make with any single metrology tool. Stylus profiling and AFP provide the longest continuous scans of a surface, up to 200mm and 100mm, respectively. Veeco’s Dektak Series stylus profilers and Series Vx AFP benefit from ongoing technology transfer between the various metrology product lines of Veeco. The Dektak Series stylus profilers use the same data analysis software as Veeco’s NT Series Optical Profilers, streamlining the comparison of measurements made on MEMS with these two very different technologies. The AFP uses not only the Veeco NanoScope AFM image analysis software to make measurements on 3-D images it captures, but also core AFM hardware to scan and capture profiles and images of MEMS wafers and devices with unparalleled resolution.



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