Intellectualize X-γ Radiation Monitor Operation Manual

2005-04-06 22:53  下载量:1900



JB4000 series intellectualized х-γRadiation Monitor is a special instrument to monitorх-γ radiation dose rate in all kinds of radioactive working places. In comparison with similar instruments in China, this instrument has wider measuring range of dose rate and stronger property of energy response. JB4000 type The measuring upper limit is increased to 200μSv/h; JB4000A type The measuring upper limit is increased to 1500μSv/h, which fills up domestic gaps. This series of instruments have measuring functions including dose rate, accumulative dose and CPS, which makes the purposes of the instruments wider and wins appraisal of extensive users, especially hygiene monitoring departments. It adopts modern single chip technology with stronger functions and the detector adopts NaI crystal. Because the detector can be compensated with available energy, the instrument has both wider measuring range and better properties of energy response.



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