Halo Sense 实验室空气质量传感器如期而至,闪亮上市

依拉勃公司很荣幸地向大家宣布Halo Sense 实验室空气质量传感器如期而至,闪亮上市。现在订货,11月底即可交货。

Halo Sense作为气体传感器,为持续监测您的实验室空气质量而设计,它可以检测到实验室内绝大多数有毒气体。目前有三个型号可供选择,分别是针对挥发性有机化合物(VOCs),酸和甲醛的。当Halo Sense 监测到有毒气体时,柔和光带会闪烁并伴有报警声来提醒您空气被污染了。Halo Sense通过注册专利的eGuard 软件可以实现实时监控并接收信息。它可直接与电脑相连,并通过eGuard软件开启或关闭;也可通过智能手机下载使用eGuard软件获取报警信息。由此,您可以确定实验室存在空气污染,并采取必要措施进行祛除。Halo Sense 一般固定在墙上并连接电源和当地网络,放置于化学实验室的敏感区域。它将确保实验室工作人员呼吸到的空气是安全的。







Erlab is proud to announce the official launch of the Halo Sense laboratory air quality sensor. This products will be available from the end of November 2016

Halo Sense is a gas sensor which has been designed to continuously monitor the lab air quality for a large spectrum of chemical vapors. It is available in 3 versions, for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Acids or Formaldehyde. When the Halo Sense detects chemical vapors, a soft band of LED light blinks and Beeps are emitted to let you know that the air is polluted. The Halo Sense shall be connected to a computer using the proprietary eGuard software to be turned on and off. It is also possible to connect it to a smartphone using the eGuard App to get the alarms. You can then take the necessary measures to identify the pollution source and eliminate it. Halo Sense shall be usually fixed to the wall and connected to power and to the local network in any sensitive area of the chemistry room. It will allow you to guarantee to your lab personnel that they are always inhaling a safe air.

We thank for all our customers and partners for trusting our company and selecting our products.


About Erlab:

Erlab’s passion is innovation and invention. We focus on research & development, design, and manufacturing of cutting-edge filtration solutions for the protection of laboratory personnel. As an innovator, Erlab is committed to safety, performance, energy efficiency and sustainability and has remained number one in the world for ductless and filtering fume hoods since 1968. 



当前位置: 依拉勃 动态 Halo Sense 实验室空气质量传感器如期而至,闪亮上市


