

型号: PPO多通道光谱
产地: 加拿大
品牌: P&P Optica
关注展位 全部仪器

P&P 光谱仪独一无二的功能
投射凝胶光栅在空间上将系统的准直部分和聚焦部分隔离开,同时折射光学系统则可消除在其它光谱仪设计中常间的许多像差和杂光。这就使得我们的光谱仪能够在同一时间测量整个光谱而不用移动部件。凭借仔细地把光谱范围与光检测器容量相匹配,P&P Optica光谱仪在紫外/可见/近红外光谱范围内,性能都超过众多竞争对手。

Up to 200 individual channels.
Centralized system, no inter-channel synchronization problems.
Cost effective solution, no duplication of spectrometers nor of supporting spectrometer accessories.
Non-scanning system enables low-light, time dependent measurements.

Compact and rugged for industrial applications.

High performance multi-channel spectrometers based on PPO Gel Gratings can be used as a robust, low cost replacement of multiple spectrometers. The unique P&P Optica transmission based design allows for monitoring of up to 200 separate channels all in a single exposure. Channels can each resolve up to 1000 separate spectral points. The system also provides signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of more than 5000:1 per single channel (multiplexing several channels significantly improves the SNR).

PPO Multichannel spectrometers use multi fiber input so that each fiber’s dispersed spectrum is projected onto a two dimensional detector. The number of channels available is limited by the length of the spectrometer entrance slit, dimensions of the detector array, the diameter of input fibers and the distance between the fibers as selected to ensure acceptable crosstalk level.

PPO Multichannel spectrometers are exceptional in characterizing objects from many directions at the same time. This ability is particularly useful in optical ography and tomography applications. Specific applications can range from measuring oxygenation of cancerous tumours at many locations within the tumour; observing complicated plasma reactions; remote sensing applications; analysing the mixing level of a mixture at many points within the mixing tank; measuring several different processes of a production line at the same time and characterizing spectral response of light sources.

P&P Optica Multichannel spectrometer

铂悦仪器(上海)有限公司为您提供P&P OpticaPPO多通道光谱,P&P OpticaPPO多通道光谱产地为加拿大,属于其它光谱仪,除了PPO多通道光谱的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多其它光谱仪,铂悦仪器客服电话400-801-8356,售前、售后均可联系。


铂悦仪器(上海)有限公司为您提供P&P OpticaPPO多通道光谱,P&P OpticaPPO多通道光谱产地为加拿大,属于其它光谱仪,除了PPO多通道光谱的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多其它光谱仪,铂悦仪器客服电话400-801-8356,售前、售后均可联系。
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