Hi, 社牛, 这里有份适合你的职位

About Us 关于我们

The SCIENTIFIC Division of the VERDER Group sets standards in high-tech equipment for quality control, research and development of solid matter. The fields of activity cover sample preparation of solids as well as analysis technologies. The well-known Verder Scientific companies have served research institutions, analytical laboratories as well as manufacturing companies in quality control and process applications for many decades with ever more sophisticated and reliable products which offer the solution to their individual task. 

弗尔德(上海)仪器设备有限公司是弗尔德集团在华设立的全资子公司。全面负责德国Retsch(莱驰)粉碎、研磨、筛分设备,德国Microtrac MRB(麦奇克莱驰)多功能粒度粒形分析仪,Carbolite•Gero(卡博莱特•盖罗)烘箱、高温烘箱、箱式马弗炉、灰化炉、管式马弗炉、气氛马弗炉、真空马弗炉、高温马弗炉及工业定制炉,Eltra(埃尔特)碳/氢/氧/氮/硫元素分析仪,QATM(奥德镁)切割机、镶嵌机、磨抛机、硬度计在中国的市场销售、推广和技术服务。


Office Environment 办公环境



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Job Title:

Retsch Area Sales Manager 


Reporting relationship:

Reporting to Brand Sales Manager


Location: Shanghai/Guangzhou


Key Responsibilities:

• Achieve the assigned sales target for Verder-Scientific products in the assigned region.

• Work closely with the application, marketing and service functional teams to meet the need of customers in the assigned territory.

• Develop and maintain the end-user in duty area, build good customer relationship.

• Builds, analyses and understands business trends to look for opportunities to improve current sales within assigned regions.

• Evaluates market trends and gathers competitive information, identifies trends that effect current and future growth of regional sales and profitability.

• Collaborates with other teams within the company to implement strategies, identify and address cross-selling and synergistic business opportunities and overcome obstacles.

• Ensures all activities are carried out in accordance with Verder policies and applicable laws.

• 完成所负责区域内弗尔德科学仪器产品的销售目标。

• 与应用,市场和服务部门紧密合作,以满足指定区域 内客户的需求。

• 开发和维护工作区域内的终端用户,建立良好的客户关系。

• 建立,分析和理解业务趋势,寻找机会提高当前区域的销售。

• 评估市场趋势,收集竞争信息,确定影响当前和未来区域销售和盈利增长的趋势。

• 与公司内其他团队合作,实施战略,识别和解决交叉销售和协同业务机会,克服障碍。

• 确保所有的活动都按照弗尔德的政策和适用的法律进行。


• Bachelor’s degree and above major in Biology, Medicine, Pharmacy or relevant fields.

• Strong sales and marketing experience with 1 – 3 years of experience in the field of scientific instrument or laboratory products.

• Excellent communication skills in both English and Chinese.

• Good learning attitude and ability to learn products’ applications and give clear presentation to customers on products, solutions and applications.

• Good at CRM and Microsoft Office (word, excel, PPT, etc.).   

• A good team player and active in communication.

• Passionate and Self-motivation and work independently.

• Accept frequent business trip.

• 本科及以上学历,生物、医学、药学或相关专业。

• 较强的销售和市场营销经验,在科学仪器或实验室产品领域有1 - 3年的经验。

• 良好的中英文沟通能力。

• 良好的学习态度和能力,了解产品的应用,并清楚地向客户介绍产品、解决方案和应用。

• 熟练使用CRM软件和Office办公软件(word, excel, PPT等)。

• 良好的团队合作精神和沟通能力。

• 热情,自我激励,独立工作。

• 接受经常出差。


Job Title:

Eltra Area Sales Manager 


Reporting relationship:

Reporting to Brand Sales Manager 


Location: Wuhan


Key Responsibilities:

• Achieve the assigned sales target for Verder-Scientific products in the assigned region.

• Work closely with the application, marketing and service functional teams to meet the need of customers in the assigned territory.

• Develop and maintain the end-user in duty area, build good customer relationship.

• Builds, analyses and understands business trends to look for opportunities to improve current sales within assigned regions.

• Evaluates market trends and gathers competitive information, identifies trends that effect current and future growth of regional sales and profitability.

• Collaborates with other teams within the company to implement strategies, identify and address cross-selling and synergistic business opportunities and overcome obstacles.

• Ensures all activities are carried out in accordance with Verder policies and applicable laws.

• 完成所负责区域内弗尔德科学仪器产品的销售目标。

• 与应用,市场和服务部门紧密合作,以满足指定区域内客户的需求。

• 开发和维护工作区域内的终端用户,建立良好的客户关系。

• 建立,分析和理解业务趋势,寻找机会提高当前区域的销售。

• 评估市场趋势,收集竞争信息,确定影响当前和未来区域销售和盈利增长的趋势。

• 与公司内其他团队合作,实施战略,识别和解决交叉销售和协同业务机会,克服障碍。

• 确保所有的活动都按照弗尔德的政策和适用的法律进行。


• Bachelor’s degree and above major in Biology, Medicine, Pharmacy or relevant fields.

• Strong sales and marketing experience with 1 – 3 years of experience in the field of scientific instrument or laboratory products.

• Excellent communication skills in both English and Chinese.

• Good learning attitude and ability to learn products’ applications and give clear presentation to customers on products, solutions and applications.

• Good at CRM and Microsoft Office (word, excel, PPT, etc.).

• A good team player and active in communication.

• Passionate and Self-motivation and work independently.

• Accept frequent business trip.

• 本科及以上学历,生物、医学、药学或相关专业。

• 较强的销售和市场营销经验,在科学仪器或实验室产品领域有1 - 3年的经验。

• 良好的中英文沟通能力。

• 良好的学习态度和能力,了解产品的应用,并清楚地向客户介绍产品、解决方案和应用。

• 熟练使用CRM软件和Office办公软件(word, excel, PPT等)。

• 良好的团队合作精神和沟通能力。

• 热情,自我激励,独立工作。

• 接受经常出差。

Contact Us 联系我们

Contact: Manager Zhang

Tel: 021-33932950

Email: info.cn@verder.com

Address: Building No.15, Lane 739, Kangwei Road, Pudong District, Shanghai, P.R. China







当前位置: 弗尔德仪器 动态 Hi, 社牛, 这里有份适合你的职位


