M2N(微纳伙伴) 碳支持膜 其他电镜配件

M2N(微纳伙伴) 碳支持膜 其他电镜配件

供货周期: 现货
品牌: M2N(微纳伙伴)
货号: 22-1MC020-50
关注展位 全部耗材


The C- range continuous Carbon only support films provide a thin electron transparent support without hydrocarbons present. A good solution for imaging nano-particles and viruses. Carbon film thickness is in the range of 15-20nm providing a thin consistent carbon film. The carbon TEM support films are electrically and thermally conductive under the electron beam at room temperature and provide image and specimen stability for high resolution imaging.

The carbon TEM support films are available on 200, 300 and 400 mesh copper, nickel and gold grids. See the matrix below for the currently available TEM support films with packaging sizes of 25, 50 and 100/box.

Grid   Mesh

Carbon only TEM support films

200   square

Cu/ Ni / Au

300   square

Cu/ Ni / Au

400   square

Cu/ Ni / Au


The FC - range Formvar Carbon support films are more robust than carbon only films. The formvar carbon TEM support films offer a good solution where a carbon only film only film would be too fragile to withstand pre-treatments and/or additional processing. They also provide the option to remove the formvar from the film before use.

The formvar carbon TEM support films are available on 100, 200, 300 and 400 mesh copper, nickel and gold grids. See the matrix below for the currently available TEM support films with packaging sizes of 25, 50 and 100/box.

Grid   Mesh

FC – range
  Formvar Carbon TEM support films

100   square

Cu / Au

200   square

Cu / Au / Ni

300   square

Cu / Au / Ni

400   square

Cu / Au / Ni


The HC range of Holey Carbon support films offer a pure carbon support film with a range of relatively small holes. Holey carbon films are especially suited for suspensions of viruses or nano particles. They offer a cost effective solution where a continuous carbon film is not desirable. About half of the supported area of the holey carbon support film still consists of carbon.

The EMR holey carbon TEM support films are available on 200, 300 and 400 mesh copper, nickel and gold grids. See the matrix below for the currently available TEM support films with packaging sizes of 25, 50 and 100 holey carbon support films in a TEM grid box.

Grid   Mesh

HC - range Holey Carbon TEM support films


200   square

Cu/ Ni / Au

300   square

Cu/ Ni / Au

400   square

Cu/ Ni / Au

200   mesh F1 finder grid


400   mesh R7 finder grid





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