IKA RV10 旋转蒸发仪
IKA RV10 旋转蒸发仪

IKA RV10 旋转蒸发仪

型号: RV10
产地: 未知
关注展位 全部仪器

R V 10 控制型旋转蒸发仪是 IKA® 新型旋转蒸发仪中的旗舰型号,它具备R V 10 基本型所有功能以及R V 10 数显型所有优点,而且在功能方面得到了进一步的提升。同R V 10 数显型旋转蒸发仪一样,可以通过 RS 232 数据接口连接电脑使用实验室软件 labworldsoft® 实现自动控制。另外,还可以实现以容积为基础的完全自动蒸馏,根据应用领域的不同,还可实现样品干燥的全自动处理。可扩充的溶剂数据库功能使您可以安全、可靠地对新的实验过程进行全面的记录和管理。
除了 RV 10 数显型功能外,还有以下特征:
- 内置真空控制器,集中显示自动蒸馏及曲线

- 内置溶剂数据库,用户可自行增加数据

- 可存储特定的蒸馏参数用于标准蒸馏

- 一键即可自动传输测量及蒸馏类型等数据,操作方便

- 蒸馏容量可编程控制

- 自动沸点识别

- 大屏幕彩色图表显示,控制安全舒适

- 可显示蒸馏曲线

- 多种语言功能

- 实验结束后,自动开启通气阀门

- 实验结束后,冷却水系统自动关闭

- 内置冷却水监控系统

- 加热锅安全控制:自动监控加热锅,温度出错时自动停止蒸馏

- 试验结束后,加热锅自动关闭加热功能

- USB 接口,方便与电脑连接

The RV 10 digital represents the continual enhancement of the IKA
RV 10 Rotary Evaporator line. The unit comes with a new universal
heating bath, vertical glassware, state-of-the-art safety features and
digital connectivity. The RV 10 digital is a robust and reliable lab
companion. Its optimized bath volume allows for fast heat-up times.
The condenser unit has special designed glass tubes that utilize the
1500 cm2 surface extremely efficient. That's why the RV 10 basic
delivers reliable and reproducible process results that are usually
reserved for more costly systems. Additional features such as
smooth start, left-right interval or timer function capability support the
user in their daily lab work. Another important aspect of the RV 10
digital are the sophisticated safety features. The motorized lift has an
automated lift-out function in case of power outage to prevent
superheating of the solvent. Safety temperature circuits can be set
individually. Dry-run protection, adjustable lower end stop and lock
function of bath setting complete the line of safety features.
Furthermore, IKA offers a choice of coated glassware for increased
safety needs. The RS 232 interface allows for remote control via

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杭州瑞析科技有限公司为您提供IKA RV10 旋转蒸发仪,nullRV10 产地为未知,属于其它通用分析,除了IKA RV10 旋转蒸发仪的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多其它通用分析,瑞析仪器客服电话,售前、售后均可联系。
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