
2022/12/08   下载量: 0


应用领域 农/林/牧/渔
检测样本 渔业
检测项目 营养成分>粗脂肪, 粗蛋白
参考标准 GB∕T 6433-2006饲料粗脂肪测定方法;GB/T 6432-2018饲料中粗蛋白的测定凯氏定氮法



Recently, yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) is being cultured in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS).  Yellowtail kingfish have a poor faecal integrity, which makes the removal of faeces by traditional RAS technology difficult. Reducing the faecal waste load in RAS can be achieved by reducing the amount of faeces  produced (e.g., increasing digestibility) and/or increasing the removal of faeces. This study assessed the effect of  partial fish meal replacement by plant ingredients and the effect of ingredient grinding size on the amount of  faecal waste produced and faecal characteristics, like faecal removal efficiency and particle size distribution  (PSD), in yellowtail kingfish. This was investigated during two 35-d experiments, where fish were fed restrictively (experiment R) or to apparent satiation (experiment S). For each experiment, individual batches of four  experimental diets were produced according to a 2 × 2 factorial design (protein source × ingredient grinding  size). The formulas used were identical for both experiments. FM100 diets contained only fish meal as protein  source, whilst at FM30-P70 diets approximately 70% of the fish meal were replaced by plant protein ingredients.  The effect of ingredient grinding size was tested by including 40% of either a fine or coarse grinding mixture.  Tanks were stocked with 20 fish and 27 fish for experiment R and experiment S, respectively. For each tank, fish  performance, faecal waste production, faecal removal efficiency and faecal PSD were measured. During both  experiments, ingredient grinding size did not affect the faecal removal efficiency or PSD, whilst fish fed the fine  FM30-P70 diets restrictively showed a lower faecal waste production. The inclusion of plant ingredients resulted  in a lower absolute growth and higher FCR. Furthermore, fish fed the FM30-P70 diets showed a higher faecal  waste production, a smaller PSD and a lower faecal removal efficiency. This ultimately resulted in a higher  amount of non-removed faeces by 58.3% and 37.1% compared to FM100 diets for the experiment R and  experiment S, respectively. In conclusion, the replacement of fish meal with plant ingredients in yellowtail  kingfish diets is challenging due to the adverse effects on fish performance, faecal waste production and faecal  characteristics. However, feeding yellowtail kingfish to apparent satiation partly reduced these adverse effects of  plant ingredient inclusion in terms of faecal waste production and faecal characteristics. Reducing the ingredient  grinding size of yellowtail kingfish diets tended to lower the faecal waste production, whilst not negatively  affecting the fish performance or faecal characteristics.  


上一篇 工业园区污水及经生物反应器处理后的污水氨氮、有机氮及化学需氧量(COD)的测定
下一篇 不同膳食蛋白质和能量水平对尼罗罗非鱼的生长和肌体组成的影响


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当前位置: 中国格哈特 方案 膳食蛋白源和配料粒度对限制进食且明显饱足的黄尾鰤鱼类性能,排泄废物产量和特性的影响


