

型号: DG535
产地: 上海
品牌: Rayscience
关注展位 全部仪器

The DG535 Digital Delay/Pulse Generator provides four
precisely-timed logic transitions or two independent pulse
outputs. The delay resolution on all channels is 5 ps, and the
channel-to-channel jitter is less than 50 ps. Front-panel BNC
outputs deliver TTL, ECL, NIM or variable level (−3 to +4 V)
pulses into 50 Ω or high impedance loads. The high accuracy,
low jitter, and wide delay range make the DG535 ideal for
laser timing systems, automated testing, and precision
pulse applications


Channels Four independent delay outputs
Range 0 to 999.999,999,999,995 seconds
Resolution 5 ps
Accuracy 1500 ps + timebase error × delay
Timebase Standard: 25 ppm crystal oscillator
Optional: 1 ppm TCXO (opt. 03)
External: 10.0 MHz reference input
RMS jitter <50 ps + 10−8 × delay
(T0 to any output)
<60 ps + 10−8 × delay (ext. trigger
to any output)
Trigger delay (typ.) 85 ns (ext. trigger to T0 output)

External Trigger
Rate DC to 1/(1 μs + longest delay)
Threshold ±2.56 VDC
Resolution 10 mV
Slope Trigger on rising or falling edge
Impedance 1 MΩ + 40 pF or 50 Ω

Internal Rate Generator
Rate Single shot, 0.001 Hz to
1.000 MHz, or line
Resolution Four digits, 0.001 Hz below 10 Hz
Accuracy Same as timebase
Jitter 1:10,000
Settling <2 seconds for any rate change
Burst mode 2 to 32766 pulses per burst at
integer multiples (4 to 32767) of the
trigger period

Load 50 Ω or high impedance
Rise time 2 to 3 ns (typ.)
Slew rate 1 V/ns
Overshoot <100 mV + 10 % of pulse amplitude
Levels TTL: 0 to 4 VDC (normal or inverted)
ECL: −1.8 to −0.8 VDC
(normal or inverted)
NIM: −0.8 to 0.0 VDC
(normal or inverted)
VAR: Adjustable offset and
amplitude between −3 and +4 VDC
with 10 mV resolution.
4 V maximum transition.Accuracy ±(50 mV + 3 % of pulse amplitude)
Option 02 Rear panel 1 μs pulses corresponding
to T0, A, B, C, D outputs with
nominal amplitude of 8× the frontpanel
outputs (1 kHz rep. rate).
Output level is reduced by 2V/mA
of additional average output current.

Fast Rise Time (opt. O4A)
Output amplitude +0.5 to 2.0 VDC
Output offset −0.8 VDC (typ.)
Transition time
Rise (20/80 %) 100 ps (max.)
Fall (20/80 %) 2000 ps (max.)
Pulse aberrations
Foot 4 % (typ.)
Ring ±5 % (typ.)

Fast Fall Time (opt. O4B)
Output amplitude −0.5 to −2.0 VDC
Output offset +0.8 VDC (typ.)
Transition time
Rise (20/80 %) 2500 ps (max.)
Fall (20/80 %) 100 ps (max.)
Pulse aberrations
Foot 4 % (typ.)
Ring ±5 % (typ.)

Display backlit 20-character LCD
Computer interface GPIB (IEEE-488). All instrument
functions and settings may be
controlled over the interface bus.
Interface queue can be viewed from
the front panel.
Dimensions 8.5" × 4.75" × 14" (WHD)
Weight 10 lbs.
Power 70 W, 100/120/220/240 VAC,
50/60 Hz
Warranty One year parts and labor on defects
in materials and workmanship


· Four independent delay channels
· Two fully-defined pulse channels
· 5 ps delay resolution
· 50 ps rms jitter
· Adjustable amplitude and offset
· Delays up to 1000 seconds
· 1 MHz maximum trigger rate
· Standard GPIB interface
· Optional ±32 V outputs



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