C & L Band High Power White Light Source

C & L Band High Power White Light Source

型号: ASE730
产地: 上海
品牌: Thorlabs
关注展位 全部仪器
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The ASE730 White Light Test Source delivers more than +15dBm of output power across the C&L Band wavelength. The ASE730 is the lowest noise, high power C&L Band test source available today.

The ASE730 Test Source is designed to perform well beyond the industry standard. Key features of all our ASE products include low intensity noise, broadband output, and exceptional wavelength stability. This ASE Source takes advantage of Erbium-doped fluoride fiber, pumped with a single 1480nm laser diode, to produce 30mW (15dBm) of broadband "white light". This rare-earth fiber design allows for a higher degree of power and wavelength stability than conventional silica fibers with multiple pumping lasers. The output fiber is a standard SMF-28 silica fiber.

ASE730 Specifications:

Total Output Power: >+15dBm(30mW)
Spectral Power Density (Typical): >-18dBm/nm at 1530nm;>-11dBm/nm at 1540-1600nm; >-18dBm/nm at 1610nm
Output Power Stability: 0.001dB (15 min. after 1 hour warmup); 0.005dB Maximum
Wavelength Range: 1530nm-1625nm
Output Connector: FC/PC
Output Fiber: SMF-28
Size (mm): 88(H) x 230(W) x 352(D); 19" Rack-Mount Compatible
Operation Temperature: 0oC to 40oC
Storage Temperature: -10oC to 45oC
Warranty: 2 years

In-Line Polarimeter
PMD/PDL Measurement
S-Band White Light Source


ASE730 Features:

Additional L-Band Power
High Power (30mW) Version of Our Most Popular Model

30mW, 1530-1610nm ASE Test Source

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瞬渺科技(香港)有限公司为您提供ThorlabsC & L Band High Power White Light SourceASE730,ThorlabsASE730产地为上海,属于其它光学测量仪,除了C & L Band High Power White Light Source的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多其它光学测量仪,瞬渺科技客服电话400-860-5168转1545,售前、售后均可联系。
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