Pigtailed Laser Diodes

Pigtailed Laser Diodes

型号: LPS-635-FC
产地: 上海
品牌: Thorlabs
关注展位 全部仪器
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Thorlabs offers a full line of fiber pigtailed laser diodes using either single mode or multimode fibers. Our high quality alignment process includes multiple test and inspection points that ensure that the coupling efficiency is maximized. In addition, the input end of the fiber is cleaved at an 8° angle in order to minimize back reflections that can cause the output intensity to fluctuate. Single mode pigtails provide coherent fiber-coupled output from a laser diode. Multimode pigtails deliver higher power from the diode than single mode pigtails, but coherence is not maintained.

Please contact Technical Support if you would like a quote on custom pigtailed laser diodes or for a volume order.

Fiber Pigtailed Laser Diode Selection Guide
The table below lists basic information for each pigtailed laser diode, including a compatible mount and driver. See our Excel spreadsheet for a full list of compatible drivers. Please note that the compatible drivers listed also include a TEC controller (Thermo Electric Cooler). The TCLDM9 has a TEC element, while the SR9 series mounts do not. TEC control is recommended for pigtailed laser diodes as it stabilizes the output power and wavelength by keeping the diode at a constant temperature, which helps prolong the life of the diode. More information is available by clicking on the Specs tab above.


Alternative Fiber Coupled Laser Sources Description Fiber Wavelengths
LD Pigtail PM 635, 785, 830, 1310, and 1550 nm
Benchtop SM and PM 635, 675, 780, 1310, and 1550 nm
Tunable SM and PM Variable
WDM Laser Banks SM Telecom Wavelengths
Femtosecond SM 780 and 1560 nm


Single Mode Pigtails:
406, 635, 660, 675, 785, 830, 1060, 1310, and 1550 nm
Multimode Pigtails
635 and 660 nm
Butterfly Pigtail: 980 nm
Internal 8° Angle Cleaved Fiber
Custom Pigtails Available Upon Request

瞬渺科技(香港)有限公司为您提供ThorlabsPigtailed Laser DiodesLPS-635-FC,ThorlabsLPS-635-FC产地为上海,属于其它光学测量仪,除了Pigtailed Laser Diodes的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多其它光学测量仪,瞬渺科技客服电话400-860-5168转1545,售前、售后均可联系。


瞬渺科技(香港)有限公司为您提供ThorlabsPigtailed Laser DiodesLPS-635-FC,ThorlabsLPS-635-FC产地为上海,属于其它光学测量仪,除了Pigtailed Laser Diodes的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多其它光学测量仪,瞬渺科技客服电话400-860-5168转1545,售前、售后均可联系。
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