High Resoluton UV-VIS-IR Modulator

High Resoluton UV-VIS-IR Modulator

型号: TEM-85-2
产地: 美国
关注展位 全部仪器
展位推荐 更多

High Resolution IR Modulators (1 to 2.5 ìm)

UV-VIS-IR Modulators (0.2 to 1.3 μm)

IR Modulators (2.0 to 11.0 ìm)

High Bandwidth VIS-IR Modulators (.6-1.6 ìm)

IR Modulators (1.15 to 1.60 ìm)

High Speed UV-VIS-IR Modulator (0.38 to 1.6 ìm)

Optical Assembly for Acousto-Optic Modulators
The optical module for Acousto-Optic modulators consists of a focusing lens, A-O device
positioners, and a recollimating lens. The incoming light is focused inside the A-O device and the beam
diameter at the focal point is a function of the required rise time and modulation bandwidth. The type of
lenses used depends upon the A-O device and its speed requirements, which will define the module size and
lens positions. Typical dimensions are shown in the above figure.


High Resoluton UV-VIS-IR Modulator (0.38 to 1.6 ìm)
Models TEM-85-2, TEM-85-10, TEM-110-25, TEM-200-50,TEM-400-100, & TEM-800-200  TEM-85-2                  TEM-85-10          TEM-110-25
Data Performed @  500 nm                       500 nm                633 nm
Optical Power Density  5 Watts/mm2      5 Watts/mm2      5 Watts/mm2
Center Frequency 85 MHz                          85 MHz               110 MHz
Active Aperture        2.0 mm                         1.0 mm             0.3 mm
Beam Diameter Inside Crystal 1.4 mm     0.3 mm            0.1 mm
Rise Time                     280 ns                       55 ns               22 ns
Digital Modulation Bandwidth 2 MHz           10 MHz            25 MHz
Analog Video Bandwidth    1.3 MHz              6.3 MHz          16 MHz
Optical Transmission      > 95 %                   > 95 %           > 95 %
Diffraction Efficiency           80 %                    75 %               70 %
Wave Front Distortion          ë/10                     ë/10                 ë/10
Bragg Angle (mrad)             5                              5                      8.5
Separation Angle                 10                           10                    17
Acoustic Velocity    4.2 E+3 m/sec         4.2 E+3 m/sec     4.2 E+3 m/sec
Maximum RF Power     1 W                              1 W               0.5-1 W
V.S.W.R.                           2:1                              2:1                     2:1
Input Impedance   50 ohms                      50 ohms              50 ohms
Optical Polarization            Linear, perpendicular to sound direction
Case Type                   # 30                           # 30                      # 200

瞬渺科技(香港)有限公司为您提供High Resoluton UV-VIS-IR ModulatorTEM-85-2,nullTEM-85-2产地为美国,属于其它光学测量仪,除了High Resoluton UV-VIS-IR Modulator的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多其它光学测量仪,瞬渺科技客服电话400-860-5168转1545,售前、售后均可联系。


瞬渺科技(香港)有限公司为您提供High Resoluton UV-VIS-IR ModulatorTEM-85-2,nullTEM-85-2产地为美国,属于其它光学测量仪,除了High Resoluton UV-VIS-IR Modulator的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多其它光学测量仪,瞬渺科技客服电话400-860-5168转1545,售前、售后均可联系。
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