
2009-06-01 14:31  下载量:117



We have developed a dynamic force microscope DFM working in a novel operation mode which is referred to as phase modulation atomic force microscopy PM-AFM. PM-AFM utilizes a fixed-frequency excitation signal to drive a cantilever, which ensures stable imaging even with occasional tip crash and adhesion to the surface. The tip-sample interaction force is detected as a change of the phase difference between the cantilever deflection and excitation signals and hence the time response is not influenced by the Q factor of the cantilever. These features make PM-AFM more suitable for high-speed imaging than existing DFM techniques such as amplitude modulation and frequency modulation atomic force microscopies. Here we present the basic principle of PM-AFM and the theoretical limit of its performance. The design of the developed PM-AFM is described and its theoretically limited noise performance is demonstrated. Finally, we demonstrate the true atomic resolution imaging capability of the developed PM-AFM by imaging atomic-scale features of mica in water.



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