Impedance Characterization and Modeling of Microelectrodes for Neural Recording

2014-01-06 15:10  下载量:1



研究领域:神经生物医学+微电极 交流阻抗频率范围:1MHz - 0.1Hz Electrode-electrolyte impedance is one of important characteristic for neural recording applications due to its influence on the signal/noise ratio and signal distortion. In this work a model of the electrode-electrolyte is described and validated through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy technique (EIS), using commercial platinum and platinum/iridium alloy microelectrodes used in acute neural recording. The impedance of the electrodes was measured in standard physiological saline solution (0.9% NaCl). A two electrode setup was used in which the working electrode was connected to the microelectrodes and the counter electrode was short-connected to the reference (stainless steel). The data was collected using an electrochemical analyzer (CompactStat, IviumTechnologies).In order to address the behavior of the electrode impedance an equivalent circuit of the electrode/electrolyte interface has been modeled. Since the impedance is strongly dependent on the electrode area, electrochemical characterization of the area was also performed using a standard iron ferricyanide solution – K3Fe(CN)6.



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