Fabrication technology for silicon-based microprobe arrays used in acute and sub-chronic neural recording

2014-01-06 15:12  下载量:2



研究领域:神经生物医学 交流阻抗频率范围:1MHz - 0.1Hz This work presents a new fabrication technology for silicon-based neural probe devices and their assembly into two-dimensional (2D) as well as three-dimensional (3D) microprobe arrays for neural recording. The fabrication is based on robust double-sided deep reactive ion etching of standard silicon wafers and allows full 3D control of the probe geometry. Wafer level electroplating of gold pads was performed to improve the 3D assembly into a platform. Lithography-based probe-tracking features for quality management were introduced. Probes for two different assembly methods, namely direct bonding to a flexible micro-cable and platform-based out-of-plane interconnection, were produced. Systems for acute and sub-chronic recordings were assembled and characterized. Recordings from rats demonstrated the recording capability of these devices. (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)



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当前位置: 天津德尚科技 资料 Fabrication technology for silicon-based microprobe arrays used in acute and sub-chronic neural recording


