资料下载一. 通常观察啮齿类动物在0F中的如下行为: 1-探究行为(explore) 包括用鼻子嗅闻空气和旷场地板气味等运动行为。该运动通常 表现为弯曲的运动路线,运动速度很慢.而且动物身体腹部常紧贴着旷场地板。 2-走动行为(walk) 常表现为较直的运动路线和相对较快的活动速度,且不用鼻子嗅 闻空气和旷场地板气味等运动行为。 3.旋转行为(spinturn) 包括追逐自己尾巴而形成的固定模式的环绕运动。 4·自我梳理行为(selfgroom) 快速清洁面部、前足和身体的行为。典型的完全的梳理 过程通常开始于动物轻轻地搔抓面部。动作逐渐增多并沿着身体向下.终止于尾尖。不论完 全梳理和非完全梳理过程(常在梳理身体时中断)均应被计人“梳理”过程。 5·坐(sit) 睁着眼睛而嗅闻空气的非运动状态。定义“坐”的最小非运动时间应为3s。 6.睡眠(sleep) 眼睛紧闭且完全不运动状态。 7·伸展注意行为(stretchattend) 动物伸展身体,特别是从比较安全之处(如旷场角落) 向着相对较不安全之处(旷场中央部分)伸展身体.是动物对危险的评价行为。动物腹部保持 平坦紧贴旷场底部,并用鼻子嗅闻空气和地板气味。当头部和前足向前伸展时,后足保持不 动一该行为往往结束于前足“后退一步”,从而使身体不再伸展。当进行一系列伸展注意行为 时或者伸展注意行为之后进行运动活动则“后退一步”行为就不完整:在此情况下,应对任何 一次身体完全伸展记数为。伸展注意”行为. 8·返回行为(return) 当进行非常慢的探索行为时,动物经常返回到起点。在整个过程 中动物腹部紧贴旷场底部保持平坦. 9·后腿站立(rear)动物站立.双前足离开地板:沿旷场侧壁站立时.动物常靠在旷场 侧壁上。 10.gt6(jump)所有四足全部离开旷场地板。
简介:吸入式气体麻醉,是在供给动物的气流中添加入麻醉气体(浓度受麻醉挥发罐的精确控制,且可随动物生理状况实时调节),以此对动物进行麻醉。 在维持麻醉过程前,需要以高麻醉浓度、大流量的气流对动物进行诱导麻醉,方便对动物进行固定处理等术前准备。 麻醉尾气需通入活性炭盒(F/AIR)进行吸收处理,以消除其对实验人员的影响。
简介:脑立体定位仪是利用颅骨外面的标志或其他参考点所规定的三维坐标系统来确定皮层下某些神经结构的位置,以便在非直视暴露下对其进行定向的刺激、破坏、注射药物或引导电位等操作。 它是神经解剖、神经生理、神经药理和神经外科等领域内重要的研究设备,可用于帕金森氏病动物模型的建立、电线动物模型的建立、脑内肿瘤动物模型的建立、学习记忆、神经干细胞移植、脑缺血等研究。
Mixture/Dose Delivery System
简介:The PHD ULTRA? Gradient Systems allows you to quickly and easily run binary or ternary mixtures automatically without a PC. The Method is totally programmed from a master controller pump, for easy set-up. The intuitive program interface makes simple to complex mixing easy. The Gradient Profile is used to combine multiple flow streams from different pumps into a common output stream. The flow can be smooth and continuous or stepped. No stopping the experiment, mixing different % volume mixtures and placing new syringes into the pumps. Push one button and it all happens automatically. Binary and ternary gradient systems are available with or without a stand. Individual Satellite units are also available for purchase separately. For more information on the PHD ULTRA? Syringe Pumps see page 18-22. For more information on the PHD ULTRA? Satellite units see page 21.
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简介:General Information Serial Number All inquires concerning our product should refer to the serial number of the unit. Serial numbers are located on the rear of the chassis. Calibration All syringe pumps are designed and manufactured to meet their performance specifications at all rated voltages and frequencies. A calibration certificate is available upon request. Contact customer service for details and pricing. Warranty Harvard Apparatus warranties this instrument for a period of two year from date of purchase. At its option, Harvard Apparatus will repair or replace the unit if it is found to be defective as to workmanship or material. This warranty does not extend to damage resulting from misuse, neglect or abuse, normal wear and tear, or accident. This warranty extends only to the original customer purchaser. IN NO EVENT SHALL HARVARD APPARATUS BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Some states do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. THERE ARE NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, OR OF ANY OTHER NATURE. Some states do not allow this limitation on an implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to you.