
罗氏最新推出可检测甲型 H1N1 流感病毒的完整试剂盒

  2009年5月14日,罗氏应用科学部宣布已成功研制开发了一款可检测甲型H1N1 流感病毒的检测试剂盒,目前也正在向卫生组织申请获取批准用以突发事件。

  该试剂盒可应用于罗氏LightCycler® 480,2.0 和1.5荧光定量PCR平台上,快速筛选病毒阳性样本,检测出最新的甲型 H1N1流感病毒。与目前市面上现有的试剂盒相比,该款试剂盒在效率和操作方面都具有更大的优势。

  罗氏应用科学部总监Manfred Baier在提到该产品时说到 “感谢多方面的研究合作所提供的信息,帮助我们研制和设计出该款全新检测试剂盒。我们很高兴可以提供这样快速、可靠的甲型 H1N1流感病毒检测工具。”

  罗氏应用科学部提供的多样化产品可有效应用于甲型 H1N1流感病毒的检测鉴定,包括MagNA Pure 自动核酸纯化系统和High Pure手动核酸分离纯化系列产品,LightCycler®荧光定量PCR系统,NimbleGEN芯片系统以及Genome Sequencer高通量测序系统。目前,公司也正在于全球多个研究机构和检测中心合作,对甲型H1N1流感病毒的特性和检测方法进行研究。

  目前,市场上还没有有效的疫苗可抵抗甲型 H1N1流感。标准的治疗方案是采用达菲(Tamiflu)或是乐感清(Relenza)。想要了解更多有关甲型 H1N1流感的相关信息,请登陆www.who.int

Roche Launches Complete Detection Kit for Influenza A /H1N1 on LightCycler® System

  Roche Applied Science announced today the availability of a new detection kit for the Influenza A/H1N1 virus. The detection tools are offered for use in life science research. Roche currently is filing to get approval of the local health authorities worldwide for use of the kit in emergency situations.

  The kit runs on Roche´s LightCycler® 480 II, 2.0, and 1.5 systems. It was evaluated with virus positive sample materials and selectively identifies the new Influenza A H1N1 virus. Compared with other detection kits, it features a couple of advantages in regard to efficiency and handling.

  “The design of the new detection kits benefitted very much from information we got out of our manifold research cooperations. We are glad of our contribution in supplying fast and reliable tools for the detection of Influenza A/H1N1 to the research community,” said Manfred Baier, Head of Roche Applied Science.

  Applied Science offers a variety of platforms that can be used to help identify the Influenza A H1N1 virus, including Nucleic Acid Purification, Real-Time PCR, Microarrays and Sequencing systems. The company is in close contact with various research institutions and test centers worldwide providing assistance in the detection and characterization of Influenza A H1N1 virus.

  Currently, there is no human vaccine on the market that protects against swine influenza infection. Standard therapy for the disease includes treatment with antiviral drugs like Tamiflu or Relenza. For more information on Influenza A H1N1 please visit www.who.int.

当前位置: 罗氏诊断 动态 罗氏推出可检测甲型H1N1流感病毒试剂盒


