SW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型净化工作台(双人双面/单面)

SW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型净化工作台(双人双面/单面)

型号: SW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型
产地: 上海
关注展位 全部仪器

上海金鹏分析仪器有限公司综合国内外优秀生化实验设备制造经验独家生产的SW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型净化工作台(双人双面/单面),进行系统详解,可快速查询产品的最新报价、图片、技术参数,或者进行产品性能比较,使用非常方便。
SW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型净化工作台(双人双面/单面)产品用途:
SW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型净化工作台(双人双面/单面)是提供无尘无菌高洁净工作环境的设备,广泛应用于电子、国防、精密仪器、制药化学实验等领域。并提供无菌无尘洁净环境的最新颖净化工作台。
SW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型净化工作台(双人双面/单面)产品特点:
SW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型净化工作台(双人双面/单面)技术参数:
洁净等级 :100级@≥0.5μm(美联邦209E)
菌落数 : ≤0.5个/皿·时(φ90mm培养平皿)
平均风速 : 0.25-0.60m/s(快慢双速)
噪 音 : ≤62dB(A)
振动半峰值 : ≤5μm(X.Y.Z)
照 度 : ≥300Lx
电 源 : AC,单相220V/50HZ
最大功耗 : 0.4KW 0.8KW
重 量 : 150KG
高效过滤器规格及数量 : 860×600×38x①
荧光灯/紫外灯规格及数量 : 20Wx①/20Wx①
外形尺寸 : 1540×730×1600mm
工作区尺寸 : 1360×700×520mm

Analytical Instruments Co., Ltd. Shanghai Jinpeng excellent chemical and biological laboratory equipment and foreign manufacturing experience exclusively produced SW-CJ-2F / 2FD-type clean bench (double sided / single-sided), for system Xiangjie to quickly check the latest product pricing , pictures, technical parameters, or the product performance comparison, use very convenient.
SW-CJ-2F / 2FD-type clean bench (double sided / single-sided) Product use:
SW-CJ-2F / 2FD-type clean bench (double sided / single-sided) is to provide high-clean dust-free work environment sterile equipment is widely used in electronics, defense, precision instruments, pharmaceutical chemistry experiments and other fields. And to provide sterile dust-free clean environment of the most innovative clean bench.
SW-CJ-2F / 2FD-type clean bench (double sided / single-sided) Product Features:
1, the surface electrostatic spraying, quasi-closed-type the whole stainless steel table, which can effectively prevent the penetration of external air flow, and the operation of the stimulation on the human body odor.
2, using adjustable air volume fan system, touch-type switches and dual-speed voltage regulation size to ensure the work area wind speed began at the ideal state.
3, touch-type switching regulator air flow to ensure the work area within the required wind speed.
SW-CJ-2F / 2FD-type clean bench (double sided / single-sided) Technical parameters:
Clean Rank: 100 @ ≥ 0.5μm (U.S. Federal 209E)
Colonies: ≤ 0.5 Ge / plate when the (φ90mm Culture Plate)
Average wind speed: 0.25-0.60m / s (speed of two-speed)
Noise: ≤ 62dB (A)
Vibration and a half peak: ≤ 5μm (X.Y.Z)
Illumination: ≥ 300Lx
Power Supply: AC, single phase 220V/50HZ
Maximum power consumption: 0.4KW 0.8KW
Weight: 150KG
High efficiency filter specification and quantity: 860 × 600 × 38x ①
Fluorescent / UV lamp specification and quantity: 20Wx ① / 20Wx ①
Dimension: 1540 × 730 × 1600mm
Workspace Size: 1360 × 700 × 520mm
Clean Bench (Double Double / Single)
In particular that: ⑴ prices listed on this site, such as a change in the factory, please factory new price shall prevail
⑵ the wholesale margin of preference for each plant is different, please call us.

上海金鹏分析仪器有限公司为您提供SW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型净化工作台(双人双面/单面),nullSW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型产地为上海,属于超净工作台(超净台),除了SW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型净化工作台(双人双面/单面)的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多超净工作台(超净台),上海金鹏客服电话400-860-5168转1721,售前、售后均可联系。


上海金鹏分析仪器有限公司为您提供SW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型净化工作台(双人双面/单面),nullSW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型产地为上海,属于超净工作台(超净台),除了SW-CJ-2F/ 2FD型净化工作台(双人双面/单面)的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多超净工作台(超净台),上海金鹏客服电话400-860-5168转1721,售前、售后均可联系。
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