

型号: PHS-25型
产地: 上海
品牌: 嘉鹏
关注展位 全部仪器

PHS-25 型 pH 计
PHS - 25 型 pH 计是一台数字显示 pH 计,它采用蓝色背光、双排数字显示液晶,可同时显示 pH 值、温度值或电位( mV )值。该仪器适用于大专院校、研究院所、环境监测、工矿企业等部门的化验室取样测定水溶液的 pH 值和电位( mV )值,配上 ORP 电极可测量溶液 ORP (氧化-还原电位)值,配上离子选择性电极可测量该电极的电极电位值。
1 、仪器级别: 0.1 级
2 、测量范围: pH 0.00~14.00pH ; mV 0 ~ ± 1400mV
3 、分 辨 率: 0.01pH , 1mV , 0.1 ℃
4 、温度补偿范围: 0 ~ 60 ℃ ;
5 、电子单元基本误差: pH ± 0.05pH ; mV ± 1% ( FS )
6 、仪器基本误差:± 0.1pH ;
7 、电子单元输入电流:不大于 1 × 10 - 11 A
8 、电子单元输入阻抗:不小于 3 × 10 11 Ω
9 、电子单元重复性误差: pH 0.05p mV 5mV
10 、仪器重复性误差:不大于 0.05pH
11 、电子单元稳定性:± 0.05pH ± 1 个字 /3h
12 、外形尺寸: 220 × 160 × 65mm ( l × b × h )
13 、重量: 0.3kg
14 、正常使用条件:
a) 环境温度:( 5 ~ 50 )℃
b) 相对湿度:≤ 85%
c) 供电电源: DC6V
d) 无显著的震动;
e) 除地球磁场外无外磁场干扰。
Analytical Instruments Co., Ltd. Shanghai Jinpeng excellent chemical and biological laboratory equipment and foreign manufacturing experience exclusively produced PHS-25 type laboratory precision PH meter, systematic Xiangjie to quickly check the latest products, quotes, pictures, technical parameters, or for product performance comparison, very convenient to use
PHS-25 type pH meter
First, performance characteristics:
PHS - 25 type pH meter is a digital display pH meter, which uses a blue backlight, two-row LCD digital display can simultaneously display pH, temperature, or potential (mV) values. The instrument applies to universities, research institutes, environmental monitoring, industrial and mining enterprises and other departments of the laboratory sample determined aqueous solution pH value and potential (mV) values, coupled with ORP electrode measurable solution ORP (oxidation - reduction potential) value , coupled with ion-selective electrode can measure the value of electrode potential of the electrode.
2, the main technical indicators:
1, instrument Level: 0.1
2, Measuring Range: pH 0.00 ~ 14.00pH; mV 0 ~ ± 1400mV
3, resolution: 0.01pH, 1mV, 0.1 ℃
4, temperature compensation range: 0 ~ 60 ℃;
5, the basic error of electronic unit: pH ± 0.05pH; mV ± 1% (FS)
6, apparatus, basic error: ± 0.1pH;
7, electronic unit input current: less than 1 × 10 - 11 A
8, the electronic unit input impedance: not less than 3 × 10 11 Ω
9, the electronic unit repeatability error: pH 0.05p mV 5mV
10, instrument repeatability error: not more than 0.05pH
11, electronic unit stability: ± 0.05pH ± 1 word / 3h
12, Dimension: 220 × 160 × 65mm (l × b × h)
13, weight: 0.3kg
14, the normal conditions of use:
a) Ambient temperature: (5 ~ 50) ℃
b) Relative humidity: ≤ 85%
c) Power Supply: DC6V
d) There was no significant vibration;
e) In addition to outside the Earth's magnetic field without external magnetic interference.
In particular that: ⑴ prices listed on this site, such as a change in the factory, please factory new price shall prevail
⑵ the wholesale margin of preference for each plant is different, please call us.



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当前位置: 上海金鹏 仪器 PHS-25型实验室精密PH计


