

型号: YL -6609PC
产地: 广东
品牌: 越联
关注展位 全部仪器
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说明:本机主要测试包装箱的耐压强度, 纸箱之抗压强度及堆码强度,可经测试结果的分析得出纸箱、彩盒的特性及包装结构设计是否符合运输、搬运等强度要求,本机可在电脑上显示测试时之力量、位移之曲线图,能测试出抗压时包装箱之受力状况. 试验的结果可作为工厂堆放成品包装箱高度的重要参考。
Explanation: This machine is mainly testing the compressive strength of boxes, the carton’s compressive strength and stacking strength. The analysis of test results can be obtained through the carton、 color box packaging structure design features and whether it can meet the transportation、 handling and other strength requirements. The force-displacement curve can be displayed on the computer and can test out that the conditions of the box when it suffering a compressive force. The test results can be an important reference for a factory’s finished products stacked packing a high level of.
Design Standards: TAPPI-T804、ISTA、JIS-Z0212、GB4857.3.4


型 号Model NO. YL-6609PC-A YL-6609PC- B YL-6609PC- C
容 量 Capacity 500kg、1000kg、2000kg、5000kg(选择1种Select One Kind)
单 位 Unit Kgf ,g ,N ,kn , lbf ,TON(可切换Switchable)
解 析 度 Resolution 1/250,000
精 度 Precision ≤0.5%以内Leq 0.5%
控制方式 Controlled Manner 全电脑式操作控制All Computer Operating Control
测试空间 Test Space 80×80×100CM 120×120×120CM 150×150×150CM
压缩速度 Compression Speed 10±3㎜/min
速度范围Velocity Range 0.5~300mm可电脑设定 Set By Computer
停机方式 Shutdown Mode 破坏、断裂停机,上下极限设定停机、自动复位功能Break And Rupture Stop. The Upper and Lower Limited Setting Stop And Automatic Reset Function.
显示功能 Display Functions 试验次数,峰值,试验曲线、试验表格、平均值等 Testing Times, Peak Value, Test Curve, Test Form ,Average Values And So On.
持压功能 Keep Press Function 可自由设定容量范围内 Set Free In The Range Of Capacity
持压时间 Holding Pressure Time 0.01h~999.99h可自由设定Set Free
重 量 Weight 700KG 760KG 850KG
体 积 Volume 120×80×160CM 164×120×190CM 190×150×230CM
配 送 Accessories 测试软件、电脑连线 Testing Software And Computer Link lines


YL -6609PC纸箱抗压试验机 Paper Carton Resist Compression Testing Machine

说明:本机主要测试包装箱的耐压强度, 纸箱之抗压强度及堆码强度,可经测试结果的分析得出纸箱、彩盒的特性及包装结构设计是否符合运输、搬运等强度要求,本机可在电脑上显示测试时之力量、位移之曲线图,能测试出抗压时包装箱之受力状况. 试验的结果可作为工厂堆放成品包装箱高度的重要参考。
Explanation: This machine is mainly testing the compressive strength of boxes, the carton’s compressive strength and stacking strength. The analysis of test results can be obtained through the carton、 color box packaging structure design features and whether it can meet the transportation、 handling and other strength requirements. The force-displacement curve can be displayed on the computer and can test out that the conditions of the box when it suffering a compressive force. The test results can be an important reference for a factory’s finished products stacked packing a high level of.
Design Standards: TAPPI-T804、ISTA、JIS-Z0212、GB4857.3.4

广东越联仪器有限公司为您提供越联纸箱耐压试验机YL -6609PC,越联YL -6609PC产地为广东,属于压缩试验机,除了纸箱耐压试验机的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供null、null,越联仪器客服电话400-860-5168转1764,售前、售后均可联系。

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广东越联仪器有限公司为您提供越联纸箱耐压试验机YL -6609PC,越联YL -6609PC产地为广东,属于压缩试验机,除了纸箱耐压试验机的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供null、null,越联仪器客服电话400-860-5168转1764,售前、售后均可联系。
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